Recent content by monkeydog

  1. monkeydog

    What is metal elitism?

    I get you I don't like most rap or any country either. people like what they like. I just hate when people say artists aren't talented or a whole genre is crap, except pop that shit takes no skill. but as far as elitism in metal goes I think that needs to stop we get enough crap from people that...
  2. monkeydog

    What is metal elitism?

    meal elitism is bullshit good music is good music you either have talent or you don't no matter the genre. check this out if you think rap sucks.
  3. monkeydog

    What's the meaning of your username?

    my name has to do with folklore from my tribe saying if you do black magic at place of worship like longhouse a monkeydog like beast is created.
  4. monkeydog

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    haven't heard much of these albums gotta a lot to check out. the syphilic stuff is damn brutal though I love it. also check out the new skinless its a little more on the regular death metal side but is damn good none the less.
  5. monkeydog

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    anyone hear that atrocious abnormality is recording a new cd I thought their last one was killer
  6. monkeydog

    Best Asian Metal?

    No love for infernal revulsion ? Gotta be my favorite Asian band.
  7. monkeydog

    GMD Votes: All Other Genres Prelims

    chill im new and skimmed over the thread late my bad. just tryyna get in on the fun.
  8. monkeydog

    GMD Votes: All Other Genres Prelims

    General Death metal list I guess 1.Obscura - Cosmogenesis 2.Morbid Angel - Gateways to Annihilation 3.Revocation - Existence is futile 4.Dying Fetus - Reign Supreme 5.Incantation - Onward To Golgotha 6.Wretched - Exodus of Autonomy 7.Woe of Tyrants - Kingdom of Might 8.Putrid Pile -...
  9. monkeydog

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    im new to the site and love slam. recently been listening to the new skinless cd is pretty good but takes a few spins. anyone here listen to gorelord its kinda like korn meets slam.