Recent content by Monster Of Puppets

  1. M


    at the momement i own a marshall stack and it just hasn't got the balls any more. the other day i played a laney stack and that was fucking awesome any of you guys know some amps i should check out
  2. M


    ^ i was looking fo the same thing the old ex shape but gibson stoped esp from making them
  3. M

    live Stuff

    i was wondering is there and live fotage or cds of nevermore live
  4. M

    coke cola news

    hehehehehehe \m/Gingerbeer\m/
  5. M

    coke cola news

    Image is nothing thirst is everythng drink sprite
  6. M


    Just wondering what guitars do you guys play i play and ltd ex and ltd 7 string
  7. M


    G' day just thought i should introduce my self i play guitar and am in a band at the moment called switchblade and yeah theres a blonde walking down the street with here top open and her tit hanging out, anyway a cop sees this and pulls over, gets out of his car and says to the blonde i...