Recent content by Moog

  1. M

    Reverie/Harlequin Forest

    When are they going to play it live??!! Easily my top 5 favorite songs by Opeth.
  2. M

    I miss Peter and Lopez

    Like someone else said - it probably goes back to when you got into the band. I'm a newbie and when I watch the Lamentations DVD, I cringe at the way Deliverance is played live with Martin. Watching Axe play the song with double bass going throughout the whole part (and not pausing for drum...
  3. M


    Another thing I remembered today (the day after the show and my ears are still ringing) was a comment by Mikael. I don't remember specifically what song it was after, but he just strolls up to the microphone and instead of saying thank you to the cheering crowd, he says, "So, I sucked my own...
  4. M

    Merch this tour?

    I took a picture of some of the merch from the Detroit show. I didn't get all of it, but I didn't buy anything. I prefer white shirts and all they had was black.
  5. M


    Fantastic show tonight! They were in a great mood and Mikael was wearing a British Steel t-shirt. He commented on how he never got into Slayer (someone yelled it in the crowd) and that Season's in the Abyss was the only thing he remotely liked. He then went on to say he was more of a...