Recent content by MorgulLordofShadows

  1. MorgulLordofShadows

    Gaming Thread

    I really like Dead Rising. It's got a huge amount of issues, but the enjoyment I derive from killing a ton of zombies while stuck in a mall manages to overcome most of them. The save system really is horrible though. I think I want the new Assassin's Creed. I like the first two, yet this new...
  2. MorgulLordofShadows

    say something about ... yourself!

    I was going to post that Amazon had a great deal on the blurays for Dexter seasons 1-3 ($70 for the bundle) but I just now see that it's back up to $160. I think that price fluctuates on a regular basis, so anyone interested might want to keep an eye on it. Insert lots of praise on the show...
  3. MorgulLordofShadows

    say something about ... yourself!

    That's a pretty little pup. The first pic almost looks like the big dog brought the puppy the sock to cheer it up. Hope the trip to the vet goes well.
  4. MorgulLordofShadows

    say something about ... yourself!

    Spider isn't a fan to say the least. Don't understand who would be stammering or scared about that other than someone who is religious and bothered Spider.
  5. MorgulLordofShadows

    AGALLOCH - Complete New Album/West Coast Tour Imminent

    Nice. Something to look forward too.
  6. MorgulLordofShadows

    say something about ... yourself!

    Trying to decide whether I want to look into getting a bowflex or a traditional home gym. Leaning towards the bowflex if for no other reason than to save space.
  7. MorgulLordofShadows

    My project car :>

    Do want! Sadly, don't need :(
  8. MorgulLordofShadows

    Gaming Thread

    Dealing with it won't be a problem. I just won't bother with it. And you're right. It isn't shocking. Just pathetic.
  9. MorgulLordofShadows

    Gaming Thread

    Don't like the direction they are taking for the Devil May Cry "reboot" at all. That's not Dante. That's some little psych ward escapee emo bitch.
  10. MorgulLordofShadows

    Gaming Thread

    I've bought it and all the other Mass Effect dlc. I just haven't had a chance to play through any of it yet. So spoil it for me a little. Can I keep Liara as a party member after the mission?
  11. MorgulLordofShadows

    Gaming Thread

    Nah. Dante is a badass no doubt. But aside from the attitude he suffers from a distinct lack of character. No meat to it.
  12. MorgulLordofShadows

    say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

    Like^ Currently enjoying everything by these guys.
  13. MorgulLordofShadows

    Gaming Thread

    The HalfLife series are definitely the pinnacle of story telling in videogames as far as I'm concerned. The concepts presented, and the way they are executed just can't be beat. I know some people might point at Shadow of the Colossus or the Final Fantasy series for quality. Some might prefer...
  14. MorgulLordofShadows

    Gaming Thread

    Halo was always overrated IMHO. The gameplay was solid, but it just never really did anything for me. Couldn't stand the multiplayer though. And I'm sick to death of the gamers acting like the story is some incredible epic. Story was bullshit. The only reason I'm even going to bother renting...
  15. MorgulLordofShadows

    The dumbass thread

    It's almost like a zombie apocalypse already took place, just without the walking dead aspect. Does walking braindead count?