Recent content by Mr. Brownstone

  1. Mr. Brownstone

    Vocal Warm-up and Exercise...

    Heavens to murgatroid! Peanut butter and orange juice? Deliberately tightening your vocal chords? I’m having kittens just thinking about what is happening to your poor voice. :D Here is some fundamental advice which applies to any type of singing: 1. Placement: Incredibly important...
  2. Mr. Brownstone

    Vocal Technique - Help please ;)

    Yes, the female high-C is an octave above the male high-C, being two octaves above middle-C. My singing teacher mentioned it to me only by-the-by when we were talking about Opera, saying that the female high-C is the note that can shatter glass when a clean tone is produced. Although a...
  3. Mr. Brownstone

    Vocal Technique - Help please ;)

    Interesting thread! It is interesting to read the different terminology used. In my first lessons it was very quickly pointed out to me that you should regard yourself as only having one voice. I was told that there is no “head” voice, no “chest” voice, and even more importantly, no...