Recent content by Mr. Tentacle Face

  1. Mr. Tentacle Face

    Do you think it matters more...

    How about legitimately buying and then downloading songs? I do that because I can't be bothered trawling torrent sites for obscure bands for ages. Unless it's Metallica. I made a point about downloading the CRAP outta their stuff after the whole Napster debacle.
  2. Mr. Tentacle Face

    Any good myspace band recommendations?

    Listen to my band! The Engines of Armageddon!
  3. Mr. Tentacle Face

    the love thread

    I love treasure.
  4. Mr. Tentacle Face

    Anti-semitism in Heavy Metal

    Can't we all just get along?
  5. Mr. Tentacle Face

    paddy is asking you guys in metal land do you have the metal discos like in london !C

    We got several metal discos here in Nottingham, the very epicentre of metal. We also got metal karaoke. So hah!
  6. Mr. Tentacle Face

    For our american friends

    Alright. Explain 'Aloominum'. Oh, and 'tear' when its actually 'terror'. You do that and I'll explain the potato/tomato thing.
  7. Mr. Tentacle Face

    Are You In A Band?

    Yay!:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
  8. Mr. Tentacle Face

    Are You In A Band?

    Any criticism for my own band The Engines of Armageddon would be greatly appreciated, as long as it's not 'OMG U L3WZ0R5 50UND NUFF1NK L1KE TR1V1UM WTF ROFLMAO'. But, seeing as this isn't the metal hammer forums that won't happen. Right guys? Enjoy the music...
  9. Mr. Tentacle Face

    paddy was wondering has anyone seen the new METAL FILM THATS CHEERS GUYS

    This thing got good reviews. I am going to watch it.
  10. Mr. Tentacle Face

    Exposing Others to Metal

    My brother got me hooked by playing me Metallica when I was about nine. Now all he listens to is the current crop of UK Indie bands, who are all called The <somethings>. Even though they're chumps now, I believe Metallica is still the best way of getting someone into metal. I managed to wean...
  11. Mr. Tentacle Face

    rock d00ds who are dead like Jesus

    I was so surprised when I heard Dimebag died. Up until then I had always assumed he was impervious to conventional weaponry
  12. Mr. Tentacle Face

    paddys missus would like to know what you think of kirk hammett as a lead guitarist

    Saw Megadeth. Was within shouting distance of Mustaine. Shouted 'Dimebag' at Mustaine in the middle of his 'I was best mates with Dimebag' speech. Dave says for every minute we prolong the speech by yelling we have to stay an extra minute at the end. Shouts of 'play whiplash' enuse. A few days...
  13. Mr. Tentacle Face

    Punk is dead

    Old (read proper)punk is great, but dead. MTV killed punk.
  14. Mr. Tentacle Face

    paddys missus would like to know what you think of kirk hammett as a lead guitarist

    Uhhh...He plays a lot of stuff in E? He's well good though. I was glad when he had a go at Lars and Jaymz in 'Some Kind of Monster' about them wanting to ditch solos. The trendy bastards