Recent content by MrStrype

  1. MrStrype, think YOU have a drinking problem?

    I remember seeing this on the news here and in the papers. So I know you're not exaggerating, Dustin. If I remember right, didn't they find his apartment like this after he died? ~Mark
  2. MrStrype

    Dear diary... how I spent 2006 with Katagory V

    Hi Dustin, Long time no see! How about a poll of your friends and fans for Album name ideas? As for me, I think the last two albums names kinda seem to be on a parallel course. And I think perhaps the next logical step would be a name something like "Revolution". That could also be a tribute to...
  3. MrStrype

    All my digital powerfest pics now posted

    Nice Pics! Thanks. ~Mark
  4. MrStrype

    Katagory V: Live - available for download!!!

    Hey cool vid, boys! Keep it rockin! Always, Mark (MrStrype) Rakes
  5. MrStrype

    Preview of the new album cover here!

    Cool album cover...I like it. Dustin, seems to be working now, I can Thanks, bro! :rock: Always, ~Mark