Recent content by Mtine

  1. Mtine


    that is where they learn the OH.MY.GOOOWD!!! give me a HUGGGG!!! crap. scary
  2. Mtine

    Keep a diary

    been reading up on english syntax and argumentation for my "structure of english sentences" class of which I have an exam tomorrow. total boredom. got sunburnt, drank coffee at my favourite starbucks rip off (where I work parttime) and now going to read some more in "A short history of...
  3. Mtine

    Anyone else have trouble not letting people mess with your brain?

    what is this, the Oprah show?
  4. Mtine


    Ursa Minor I De hemelboog wordt sedert weken slechts door jouw sterrenbeeld beheerst, en of ik nimmer had gekeken zie ik de wereld voor het eerst. Ik heb de straten en de stegen waarvan ik elke tegel weet om jouwentwille liefgekregen en met betekenis bekleed. En alle nooit van...
  5. Mtine

    New Paradise Lost

    Forever Failure the guitarsolo's in that song.. damn! typically one of those songs to be listened to in the dark, lying on a bed or something.. well thats just my preference anyway
  6. Mtine

    New Paradise Lost

    nick is chad kroegers twin brother again. the album rocks though.
  7. Mtine

    Most Hated Band

    one word: saxon
  8. Mtine

    Are you afraid of the future???

    When I was about 7 my father still had a farm and we were always outside playing and building stuff. One time my brother had some friends over (they were about 8 or 9 years old) They were trying to build a hut and I wanted to join in. One of my brother's friends didn't want me to because he...
  9. Mtine

    The worlds Worst Fuucking Accent?????

    Well yeah I know.. I love almost all english accents (at least the ones I ever heard) but it wouldnt be logical for me to speak in a certain accent except RP since I'm not from that certain region... do agree with you though
  10. Mtine

    The worlds Worst Fuucking Accent?????

    I think every accent has its pro's. Nice to hear someone speak in his own accent instead of adjusting it to the situation. My dad never adjusts hehe.. speaks an eastern-dutch dialect and refuses (or maybe he can't, I dont know) to adjust it when he's speaking to people who speak normal dutch. in...
  11. Mtine

    band t-shirts

    this is actually the first time I read something about people wearing band shirts to show that theyre different. There is something like overanalysing you know... I mean doesnt everyone just wear what he/she wants?? personally I want the hooded anathema sweater... because I just love the...
  12. Mtine

    Dragonlady's Avatars

    well then... you have an option not to react to it.
  13. Mtine

    Anathema tribute album

    agree!! was really impressed by the wounded in hellendoorn.
  14. Mtine

    Dragonlady's Avatars

    this is all getting a bit confusing. btw, who's that person on the avatar of breaklose and snow2fall?? now thats confusing.