Recent content by mulciber

  1. M

    ANDROID EMPIRE - stoner thrash? death doom? what the fuck!! check by yourself..

    here u guys can fully download our demo!!!
  2. M

    ANDROID EMPIRE sludge death metal aus Berlin

    here guys is the link, so u can fully download our demo!!! </pre>
  3. M

    ANDROID EMPIRE sludge death metal aus Berlin After the Berlin-based doomsters SHEPHERD had disbanded in 2004, two of the band members – guitarist Oliver Bojoski and drummer Tobias Engl – decided to continue with their musical trip. However, this time the two long-time partners in crime had a more extreme...
  4. M

    ANDROID EMPIRE - stoner thrash? death doom? what the fuck!! check by yourself.. After the Berlin-based doomsters SHEPHERD had disbanded in 2004, two of the band members – guitarist Oliver Bojoski and drummer Tobias Engl – decided to continue with their musical trip. However, this time the two long-time partners in crime had a more extreme...
  5. M

    hey naughty boys!

    linda tu ..... thst`s it`s in spanish that you are very pretty...hhehehehe
  6. M

    Whats your fav song??

    after 15 years being a metal head ( thats it since 11 years i`m 26) my favoriite song is danzig`s song " tired of being alive" from lucifuge.... i hope to be buried with that song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. M

    Like melodic death metal? Check this out!

    :flame:soultorn....mmmm??? sorry, i don´t see any future eden beast..mmmmm??? i see future, but i guess that you must try to give more weight to the guitars or try to change the vocals afination...the guitar is too high , or the voice is too low...i mean in the notes
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    Official chatting thread in Spanish!

    :flame: canto en una banda que se llama BURNING DUSK y tocamos undeath metal con harta influencia melódica y técnica, justo hoy vamos a tocar en mi ciudad, valparaiso.....ya se viene además el año nuevo así que handa harta gente que viene de otros lugares para ver los fuegos artificiales en el...
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    Official chatting thread in Spanish!

    mierda!!! todavia tengo problemas con la fucking imagen del lado izquierdo
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    burning dusk / death metal from chile

    if you want to know more about us visit or contact us in if you like tecnical melodic death metal you won´t regret
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    Official chatting thread in Spanish!

    :flame: qué pasa locos!!!! comó pasaron la navidad?....yo la pasé con la familia , pero igual estuvo la raja porque hicimos un asado con anticuchos ( o brochetas) en vez de la estupidez de todos los años del pavo o del pollo y la cena fucker.... yo canto en una banda , es mi unica gracia ya...
  12. M

    hi guys

    another question, guys....again about the image of the left side... the image has to be .gift .... or it cold be htm...because all the images that i try are htm and nothing happens:flame:
  13. M

    hi guys

    hi guys, lot of time out of the web because i was working.... how your christmas was? the mine was great, we did a barbacue with my family....becuse we tired of the turkey and the chicken dinners! the only disilution was that my mother give a gift in a box...and i thought that maybe could...
  14. M

    hi guys

    rusell, i´m just new around here, and i don´t get how i can inset an image at the left side of the post, and i´d try to insert one on the message and nothing happen neither....ah, and i´m a guy in case, jeje
  15. M

    hi guys