Recent content by mumazza

  1. mumazza

    Help: Reverb sound - simulating a "field"

    Thanks for the tips, guys. I posted it cause I'm not satisfied yet w/ the mixing/ambient of the production. I'll see what I do and so I'll post a clip of it to you see how it sounds. Thanks
  2. mumazza

    Help: Reverb sound - simulating a "field"

    Hello, I'm unexperienced and I'd like to make an acoustic song (something like vocals + acoustic guitars + flute) w/ some "field" reverb chacareristics, like if the sound came from a vast field. Something like the band "Empyrium", but w/ some more strong reverb. Can someone give me tips like...
  3. mumazza

    I'm looking for someone to mix my band's 4 track CD (Paid)

    great work, punkrockacademyfightsong.
  4. mumazza

    Automation In Metal

    I too use automation a lot. I always use it to modify the snare reverb time during the song. I also use it a lot to boost a little more delay in some guitar solo or vocal specific parts.
  5. mumazza

    question: Improving crash cymbals attack on overhead mics

    very insteresting idea, Slate. Thanks! I'll try it later, and tell you all.
  6. mumazza

    Multiple takes or breaking up drum tracks

    As long as the drum recording need a bunch of channels, I prefer to record just one take "in parts" letting the drummer hear it until he think it's good, and so I may fix fails on the tracking.
  7. mumazza

    2 andy.

    It's obvious that those plugin presets are useless and is better to know how to operate the knobs, but I was talking about "Andy's preset", fuckers hahah :~ James Murphy: You have walked a long road, but in my case I'm nothing, and I use to learn with good examples. About recording with...
  8. mumazza

    2 andy.

    WOW, you got really good ears.
  9. mumazza

    2 andy.

    I don't think Andy starts doing his vocal presets prom the beginning everytime an artist enters the studio, I think he should have a pattern, but since you are experts you should know more them me how these things works... You say that the presets are useless, but I cut my dick if Andy post...
  10. mumazza

    2 andy.

    The plugin presets for vox would be amazing, since he uses just a SM58 and we can obtain it easily. I don't know if he should post it here, otherwise soon we'll produce mixings with Andy's quality whitout leaving home. :heh:
  11. mumazza

    question: Improving crash cymbals attack on overhead mics

    Thanks, I'll try it. I already had put compression before, but I think I can manage it better.
  12. mumazza

    Some special guitar sound ideas

    Scream on the pickup! :heh:
  13. mumazza

    question: Improving crash cymbals attack on overhead mics

    Anyone has a tip for improving the crash cymbal attack on oh mics? In my recording, the crashs seem to be "exploding" a little after the drums bass or snare. I need more power on them. :kickass: One more extra doubt (that's easier): Do you use to add some reverb effect on the oh mics...
  14. mumazza

    Setting the triggers on Drumagog

    Hello, The problem is not about how to use Drumagog. My doubts is about what is better for metal production. I just mentioned Drumagog cause is the plugin I use.
  15. mumazza

    Question about snare processing

    I always have trouble doing a good processing for the snare. I always don't know if it's better for me putting the compressor before or after the EQ. What frequencies you think that is good boosting before the compressor, and after the compressor? I seek a snare with shot sound, like Andy's...