Recent content by murderinthebasement

  1. murderinthebasement

    Poland = death metal

    yes, there you know, that's where the pope hails from; people are very proud of that which leads them to lash out at lots of things, especially music....
  2. murderinthebasement

    Borknagar Update

  3. murderinthebasement

    anthrax are cunts

    yeah, they fell off.....but i'm the man still rocks...ha ha ha
  4. murderinthebasement

    are you buying SCARS OF THE CRUCIFIX

    i got a metal pick in mine.....
  5. murderinthebasement

    Why Anthrax Isn't Big In The USA

    anthrax still kicks it, who cares if they whine? as long as they still play "i'm the man" at their shows, they're alright with me