Recent content by musicholic

  1. musicholic

    What's the most embarrassing CD in your collecion?

    I'll raise you a GO-GOs greatest hits and an ABBA Gold cd. :o :o
  2. musicholic

    The Guys From Opeth Said The Next CD Will Be 'Heavy...'

    You are so lucky. I had to buy mine at Wal-Mart. :spin:
  3. musicholic

    Fans of Vai, or good guitar playing in general...

    Eat 2 chickens and drink plenty of fluids. You will feel better in the morning.
  4. musicholic

    The End Records has announced...

    This may be the best thing since sliced bread in a plastic wrapper.
  5. musicholic

    If it wasn't for Opeth, I would have never discovered...?

    EMPEROR :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: and... TRISTANIA :spin: :spin: :spin: "World of Glass" & their debut ep are great... gotta get their other stuff.
  6. musicholic

    Does Death Suck?

    This is the perfect song to play for the kiddies on Halloween. Or at your next wedding. :spin: :spin:
  7. musicholic

    Opeth Is The Alltime Best Metal Group - Opeth Are God!!

    I only buy their cds for the purty album covers. I just use the cds as ashtrays or coasters when I want to impress a female.
  8. musicholic

    I think it's high time for a YES thread.

    The finale of that album {Gates of Delerium} was to me their best moment. That song just sounds too advanced for 1974. :spin: :spin: :spin:
  9. musicholic

    The Best Album

    MORNINGRISE. It just sounds so damn good. :spin: :spin:
  10. musicholic

    Double albums from Opeth?

    Now that was a money grab. I always thought that a group should try to make one great album and save the leftovers for when they run out of new ideas. Cheaper too.
  11. musicholic

    raa! hooray ham! im new!

    Do I smell pork products? :p
  12. musicholic

    Double albums from Opeth?

    I am sad that there will be no rap or hip-hop on either album. But I guess I'll buy them anyways... :eek: :o :eek: :spin: :spin:
  13. musicholic

    raa! hooray ham! im new!

    Welcome "HAM". I read the book you did with "GREEN EGGS".
  14. musicholic

    What music closest to the style of Emperor's Prometheus album can you think of?

    I noticed NO ONE mentioned IX EQUILIBRIUM. At the risk of incurring everyone's wrath {minus the tyrant}, I find it quite enjoyable and the most accessable. The guy who said that "PROMETHEUS" sounded like 2 albums being played at once must be the same guy who reviewed an OPETH album the same...
  15. musicholic

    how many copies of each of opeths albums have been sold?

    As long as we remember that what the mob says is good is usually bad, this is not unexpected. People buy crap for the most part because thats all they hear on the radio. Bands like Opeth & Emperor appeal to a more select audience that tends to be more loyal in terms of buying extras like...