Recent content by mutran

  1. mutran

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    Yep, Confessiones is the last minute of the Knuckleduster Remix. For some reason they cut it out from being the opener to the very bottom XD
  2. mutran

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    Yep, Im kinda torn about this info too While its lovely to see Alexi being like this, its soo FUCKING CRINGE to see this when he is dead. What's really the point of this carnival of screenshots and pics from the past? Shame on Kelli and Kim, sincerely
  3. mutran

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    FUCKING INCREDIBLE. I mean, what the fuck, I reallly didnt expect it to be that good. It's that modern Bodom sound but so fucking fresh and revitalized! I wanted to cry on the bridge section cause that's exactly when i realized we are not getting gems like this anymore. A solid 8'75/10. Im so...
  4. mutran

    Alexi passed away

    HIM's biggest fan here. Completely agree. His voice just changed too sudden, compare Venus Doom to Tears on Tape, just 5 years gap and its quite notorius. Sigh.
  5. mutran

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    Oh, didnt mean to sound cold hearted. But, in a "poetic" way, the Reaper is no longer on screen cause he "succeed" in his search for Alexi's soul. Alexi wrote about death and problems for two decades, now he is finally resting, look at it that way :(
  6. mutran

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    In my head-canon, the Reaper just took Alexi after ten chapters (Bodom albums) and now he is in the sky, painting the heavens with his own blood... cause, well, Alexi is Alexi. Nevermind, I'm just enthusiastic
  7. mutran

    Alexi passed away

    I too wish them the best of luck, but for now I don't really see them recording anything Bodom-related without Alexi. It would be wonderful if old COB and Daniel play together a couple of shows but they are all busy for now so
  8. mutran

    Alexi passed away

    BAM is done after this EP, don't expect another singer or something like that. This band was a brief epilogue for Alexi's career, sad as it is.
  9. mutran

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    Oops, didn't realize it is way too expensive for a 14 minute EP, I mean... 20 euros is almost Hexed. And I too prefer a more serious cover, just like Black Winter Day was back in 2015, it was like a perfect ending for I worship chaos.
  10. mutran

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    With that description I want to listen to the first track right now, but wow, after this EP is really REALLY over, hard to handle.
  11. mutran

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    Completely looking forward to it! YES. The artwork is truly mesmerizing... the lack of Reaper, that scythe all alone... I wonder if it was made to link it with Alexi's death or the artwork was made before.
  12. mutran

    Your favorite Bodom album (Round 67)

    Excellent Hate Crew Deathroll Hatebreeder Follow the Reaper Enjoyable Blooddrunk Hexed Halo Something Wild I Worship Chaos Good Relentless Reckless Forever Meh Are you dead yet? I used to think that AYDY was better than RRF but now this changed and I can't stand the overall sound of...
  13. mutran


    How old are you, man?
  14. mutran


    Say never look back Hell of a song
  15. mutran

    Live Videos Thread

    Uhm... the fuck's going on with Alexi? I mean, seriously. I haven't seen a lot of live videos the last couple of years but dude, Alexi is just a skeleton and doesn't move. I know that we fans can't do shit about this or investigate more but I'm really worried of a tour cancel or something in...