Recent content by Nearch

  1. Nearch

    Underground Metal Podcast

    Just wanted to spread the word about my metal podcast which is devoted to unsigned and small label metal bands. We have a few episodes available for download currently. They can be found via our RSS feed, or on iTunes if you search for "temple of snakes." Feed...
  2. Nearch

    Top 10 posters on the official Iron Maiden board on 14/11/02

    That's strange I don't recall ever being one of the top 10 posters. Where's Kelly and the other losers who still post there?
  3. Nearch

    The difference between a rooster and MRSBEAST

    Wait, who's the author of this thread again? :erk:
  4. Nearch

    Brotherhood of Steel board

    As administrator of this new board, allow me to say that everyone is invited. It's is NOT a Brotherhood board, although you will find many Brotherhood members posting there.
  5. Nearch

    Into Eternity!

  6. Nearch

    For All Clinton Lovers

    Why, because he didn't do jack shit during his presidency? :)
  7. Nearch

    Download a Finnish version of Aces High. It beats Anton's!!!

    Käyhän että tuon kannettavani saunaan? :)
  8. Nearch


    Location: i agree LLLOOOOLLLL!!!!
  9. Nearch


  10. Nearch


  11. Nearch

    If you like Cryptopsy...

    Anyway, I was at a used CD store today looking around, and I picked up a Cryptopsy CD, opened it up, and the CD jacket was signed by all the band members. It was the Whisper Supremacy album. It was only $8. I didn't buy it because I don't even listen to these guys, but I thought it would be...
  12. Nearch

    Any of you Opeth fans heard of "Extol"?

    Hey Punisher, That's cool that you know the guys! Tell them they need to come to the U.S. sometime. I agree with you that a lot of people are close-minded. They hear a band is Christian and they want nothing to do with them. I've said before that I don't think Extol is overbearing with...
  13. Nearch

    Symphony X

    Symphony X are one of my favorite bands. I would start off with Divine Wings of Tragedy or V. Their live album is also very good and contains mostly songs from those two albums.
  14. Nearch

    Any of you Opeth fans heard of "Extol"?

    :eek: :err:
  15. Nearch

    Any of you Opeth fans heard of "Extol"?

    Well yeah, some of their lyrics have a obvious Christian message, but I don't think that's the same as being preachy. Like I said earlier, with the death vocals it's not like they're singing gospel music. [b] I'm glad you like them, although I don't know if I'd say they're better than...