Recent content by Negru

  1. Negru

    NEGURA BUNGET ... US and Canadian Tour 2012

    Yeah, of course I was not talking about the small breweries, which I'm sure some make some fine stuff. It was just an overall view, popular brands we were served with most of the time vs similar European ones (and not Romanian ones, which are better than most European). That's of course a...
  2. Negru

    NEGURA BUNGET ... US and Canadian Tour 2012

    the food thing was quite unexpected... we are used eating almost anything, but after a while we all wanted to get some decent quality stuff, which was quite hard to find, especially being on tour (so no time to search for something and go there precisely). we went quite a lot to Dany's or...
  3. Negru

    NEGURA BUNGET ... US and Canadian Tour 2012

    This should offer some insights: To answer some other questions... we had Mr. Oq with us on the second guitar. He has been on/off our sound man since 2005. Other that him, the...
  4. Negru

    Negur Bunget - Mystical Transylvanian Black Metal (on tour now!)

    maybe this can explain things a bit:
  5. Negru

    Goddamn you, Negurã Bunget

    Well, that wont' happen any day soon... :) but you can check for some translations.
  6. Negru

    NEGURA BUNGET - Poarta de Dincolo - Reviews 92 Parlare dei Negura Bunget significa parlare di un gruppo black metal di fama mondiale, la cui caratteristica è per me sempre stata, per tutta la loro discografia, quella di saper scrivere dei brani caratterizzati dall’avere un uso delle...
  7. Negru

    Goddamn you, Negurã Bunget

    I forgive you... I'm sure you'll come back when the time is right.
  8. Negru

    NEGURA BUNGET - Poarta de Dincolo - Reviews Although that Negura Bunget has some major line up issues in the last time, fans couldn’t complain really as we are treated with string of their releases as in just around a year we got "Maiestrit" (re-recording of „Maiastru...
  9. Negru

    NEGURA BUNGET - Poarta de Dincolo - Reviews 8.0 So, as it turns out, all that worrying was largely for naught. After the bickering between the Negru and Sol Fraur / Hupogrammos camps, the former’s continuation of the Negura Bunget name (more a brand now) was...
  10. Negru

    Goddamn you, Negurã Bunget

    glad to hear you are enjoying so much the new track. but what new singer? Ageru plays in Negura Bunget since 2004.
  11. Negru

    NEGURA BUNGET - Poarta de Dincolo - Reviews

    "Poartă de dincolo proves to be a very important step in the evolution of Negura Bunget: complex, dark and with subtle traditional influences this EP is highly recommended." - Gunnar Sauermann
  12. Negru


    I think ignorance is a bilss. None of you knows what happened in Negura Bunget around the time of Hupogrammos and Sol Faur departures. I didn't want to talk about this at that time because it would just amplify a public mess which had no point. That was not about the truth. I sand by all my...
  13. Negru


    I know how frustrating the situation must be for everybody. It's pretty much the same for us. We are deeply sorry for all these delays and we are doing our best to make it up somehow. We will get to the end of this, and everybody who ordered a copy will receive it, and it will be done to the...
  14. Negru


    This is Negru on behalf of Negura Bunget shading some lights about the earthbox plan. A lot of things have been said about this, but not so many reflect the actual reality unfortunately. The way Aural presented the whole ordeal of the earthboxes was unfair and untrue to us. Yes, they paid all...
  15. Negru

    Negura Bunget new family member of Prophecy Productions

    photos form the first gig in the new line-up: