Recent content by Neoteric

  1. Neoteric

    kayo dot represents pitchfork music's indie cred

    Who gives a fuck about pitchfork. A bunch of posers they are.
  2. Neoteric

    motw/KD and The Exorcist III

    Actually if you watch The Exorcist III and play Blue Lambency at the same time, they sync up completely!
  3. Neoteric

    Is down?

    Isn't Choirs on amazon?
  4. Neoteric


    Holy crap, this thread is still going.
  5. Neoteric

    The John Zorn thread

    Anyone here into grindcore should check out Naked City's Torture Garden right away.
  6. Neoteric

    ! my solo project !

    Needs more satanical death.
  7. Neoteric

    Creepy happenings in the Kayo Dot world

    ""and they tried so hard to make this album not metal!""
  8. Neoteric

    Creepy happenings in the Kayo Dot world

    I ripped the new album to my computer using FLAC and The Sow Submits plays at 666kbps. :OMG::OMG::OMG:
  9. Neoteric

    itt i just joined my school's gamelan ensemble

    Sexual innuendo.
  10. Neoteric

    itt i just joined my school's gamelan ensemble

    Yeah, I'd like to hear a gamelan recording as well.
  11. Neoteric

    is catharsis of sea-sleep and dreaming shines in standard tuning?

    Just force Josh or someone to do it then. : D
  12. Neoteric

    is catharsis of sea-sleep and dreaming shines in standard tuning?

    Greg, get off your butt and tab some motW stuff! Or mother goose will tear off your flesh... "Leave me alone my ducklings, I'm trying to transcribe some motW!"
  13. Neoteric

    i'm totally going to newbury comics today to buy the new kayo dot

    The new Kayo Dot came through the mail yesterday. Uhh hello Toby, the CD case doesn't fit in my CD rack. //_-
  14. Neoteric

    ok the lyrics on the new testament songs are just plain silly

    When are thrash lyrics not silly?
  15. Neoteric


    Wait, is the four tracks two My Fruit Psychobells, Birth Pains and the Secret Song? If so, then I think I have that.