Recent content by Nephalime

  1. N

    a small hint for Mr.V

    Héhé Walkyr, I agree with you, Swedish is so beautiful !! But it's hard I found, I'm discovered swedish with Otyg, and I love swedish now, where you come from ?? I'm french and to found dictionnary on the shop or grammar on the web it's very difficult, but I try .. I try .. ;)
  2. N

    Question about the influences of Mr. V concerning the lyrics

    Ok, thx Walkyr ! But .. where I can found interviews please ??
  3. N

    The NOW PLAYING thread Part II

    Otyg - skymningsdans
  4. N

    Lyric request

    I love your pictures !! It's so beautiful, especialy M42 Orion-nebulosan, with the purple, it's fantastic !! Congratulations !! ;)
  5. N

    Question about the influences of Mr. V concerning the lyrics

    Hello !! I've got a little question for Mr V. I found that in your lyrics, the theme of the stars and the the universe is often evoked, (for exemple 'a dialogue with the stars' or 'star puzzled") .. why ?? :) Thx and sorry for my english .. :blush: Neph