
I'm definitely the guy you'll never like.


-- Arriving somewhere, but not here --

"Music is not product, music is not software, music is not content. (...) It's fucking art. I've always loved the idea of the album as the equivalent of a novel, or a great film. You wouldn't pick up a novel and read chapter 6 and then read chapter 1 and then read chapter 13; you wouldn't rent a DVD and watch the middle of the movie before you watch the beginning."
- Steven Wilson



  1. 2

    Somebody Likes You

    Somebody out there reacted positively to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
  2. 20


    1,000 messages? Impressive!
  3. 10

    Can't Stop!

    You've posted 100 messages. I hope this took you more than a day!
  4. 5

    Keeps Coming Back

    30 messages posted. You must like it here!
  5. 1

    First Message

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.