Recent content by New Orleans is a Dying Whore

  1. N

    SymphonyX and Kamelot, The Best of Metal

    Kamelot is awful. They just repeat themselves too much. I don't understand how anyone can call them progressive. (that's not the reason why it's awful, but I've seen many times mentioned progressive metal band Kamelot).
  2. N

    Hello Everybody! from Symphony X

    OWWOW amazing......................
  3. N

    What Instrument(s) do you play?

    I play gayboards as well.
  4. N

    Here is a better one that DT ot SX heh >>>

    I'm not bashing JUST his weak points, I rose some good points too. I gave my honest feedback, that's not allowed here? because this is Symphony X messageboard we shall not say one bad word about the band members? eh gimme a break.
  5. N

    Here is a better one that DT ot SX heh >>>

    because this thread is all about comparing SX to DT. If I'm gonna compare M. Pinnella to J. Rudess then I'm gonna compare their solos as well.
  6. N

    Here is a better one that DT ot SX heh >>>

    1. well I can't say if I can play better solos than M.Pinnella, you should ask someone who has heard my solos. 2. my opinion is that his solos are one of worst around prog metal scene (compared to DT, Threshold, Ark etc.), some of his solos are ok, but for example in Absence of Light, the...
  7. N

    Here is a better one that DT ot SX heh >>>

    to be honest, Michael Pinnella's solos are one of the worst ones I've heard. has that guy heard of phrasing?!
  8. N

    This is for the musicians...

    well I haven't learnt many SyX songs.. but In the Dragon's Den Of Sins and Shadows The Eyes of Medusa Fallen and my instrument is keyboards! EDIT: including solos of course.
  9. N

    best vocalists in metal

    Daniel Gildenlöw and Bruce Dickinson.
  10. N

    Here is a better one that DT ot SX heh >>>

    Michael Romeo = John Petrucci John Muyng = Mike Lepond Mike Portnoy = Jason Rullo Russen Allen > James LaBrie Michael Pinnella < Jordan Rudess in my opinion of course...
  11. N

    Ark ?

    what the fuck?
  12. N

    What do you think of... MANOWAR ???

    check this band out, King'O'War:
  13. N

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