Recent content by Niallus

  1. N

    Got an upcoming gig?? discuss it here!

    The last band I went to see was...Electric Six. I will fight anyone that doesn't like them. Up and coming...urm. I might go see the mighty Alestorm, I can't remember when it is exactly.
  2. N

    Promotion and such

    Despite the practical difficulties, this is quite possibly the greatest suggestion I've heard for anything ever. On topic, I help out with a music promotion malarkey in my county ( if interested - thar be some goblin fans there), and their method is just to get as many...
  3. N


    Just my stupidity. I plug a band on a site that already have a forum dedicated exclusively to that band. Fucks sake.
  4. N


    I figured that if you like Nekrogoblikon, you'll like these guys that I just discovered. Pirate metal from Scotland! Wenches and Mead and Terror On The High Seas are my favourites on the myspace. :kickass:
  5. N

    What are you listening to goblin!!!

    I'm just playing the new Shadows Fall album. Soon I will move onto Botch - Unifying Themes Redux. I haven't heard it yet, so am quite looking forward to it.
  6. N


    Dear VonDoom, This is pretty excellent. Yours Sincerely, Niall.
  7. N

    Story Time

    Unluckily for him, all the bunnies have died out, humans now reproduce by dividing asexually via binary fission, and nobody eats breakfast after toast was made illegal in 2010. Charles proceeded to...
  8. N


  9. N

    Social thread \m/(><)\m/

    I would go to a backstreet boys concert anyway. They're more Tr00 Kvlt than Trivium, and lets face it, they have some serious tunes that you can just get drunk and make a fool of yourself* to. *Read: dance.
  10. N

    Social thread \m/(><)\m/

    This is a photo I took of me a little while ago. I have since cut most of the hair off and grew my chinpubes a bit more. How metal.
  11. N

    Goblin Island

    DUDE! You know Bulk and Skull? Or at least, Skull. You have no idea how much of a celebrity that makes you in my eyes.
  12. N

    Goblin Island

    I recieved my copy today. I'm loving it so far. My favourite track is probably The Goblin Rangers Theme. Keep up the good work guys!
  13. N

    Where would you come to see us this summer?

    *cough* Play the UK. Preferably Birmingham or Manchester. :) I realise this is unlikely to happen anytime soon.