Recent content by Nichtsicher

  1. Nichtsicher

    Opeth in Melbourne

    They had to use alot of pre recorded stuff as you can tell, at the arcturus gig they had a female singer and the choir parts were preformed by every band member. It seems to me they suffered due to a rushed confirmation that they would be supporting them. The set list from memory was.. Domine...
  2. Nichtsicher

    'Watershed' font

    Hi guys I was just wondering if anyone knows where I could get my hands on the font which is the same or very similar to the watershed title. I was going to use it for an upcomming uni assignment. Had a bit of a look on this forum but couldnt find anything. Thanks.
  3. Nichtsicher

    Watershed scans

    I would love for someone to make or know where the font of the title watershed is. I could really use that for my uni work atm
  4. Nichtsicher

    Australian Tour 2008

    Im happy that they are playing at the Palace. THe Forum is a great venue but the multiple levels of the palace really adds to the Grandeur of the place it feels all encompasing and PT sounded great even when SW forgot lyrics :p I hope there is enough demand in Melbs for a second show.
  5. Nichtsicher

    Watershed Pre-Order

    I already got that end records one
  6. Nichtsicher

    Forest of October live - 2000

    was this filmed in a house or something? haha
  7. Nichtsicher

    watershed cover !

    Well if you think about it... One of the 'original' members left, the long time drummer left. The band now has a new guitarist and Drummer and the bass player cut his hair. Id say its the former
  8. Nichtsicher

    watershed cover !

    Like in all paintings ,what is excluded is just as important as what is included.
  9. Nichtsicher

    watershed cover !

    Sometimes the most simple of things look the greatest. How freaking evil does it look!?
  10. Nichtsicher

    Alterpeth - The Opeth Comic

    You should make some more pages but leave the speech blank so people in the forum can make up some funny stuff for it
  11. Nichtsicher

    Where Will Opeth Be In Ten Years Time?

    ba doom chishhh
  12. Nichtsicher

    I really do think that Mike looks like Italian Spiderman.

    yeah i hate shitty american films too :p
  13. Nichtsicher

    Fan Boy thread # 23908435908

    They have played funeral portrait and karma live before. There have been lots of lists made before to what hassnt been played live, on this forum. From memory its The Apostle in Triumph Black Rose Immortal Nectar Wreath BTPISIO and most of GR on another note I would love to see April...