Recent content by Nidhögg

  1. N

    Solens Rötter release date

    From the Napalm site: With Solens Rötter, or "The Origin of the Sun", the band returns to its roots, deeply anchored within traditional Nordic soundscapes, and further strengthening them by blending in the elements that modern Metal has to offer. The ever-so-present Folk influence, including...
  2. N

    Another one folks....

    Tussmörkret Urberget, Äldst av troner Svältvinter A dialouge with the stars Spegelsfären A sphere in a sphere
  3. N

    Swedish-English lyric translations???

    Finntroll sings only in swedish, although they are finnish... Try out Thyrfing and Månegarm to, (they have some songs in english to though...)
  4. N

    Gig question for Mr V

    Don´t mind this thread... Seems like I fell for a April fool´s joke... :Smug:
  5. N

    2000 Decibel 2004

    Ha ha! Vikingarna rulez! Hits like Moskva and Djingis Khan are unbeatable... :p
  6. N

    Gig question for Mr V

    Stämmer det att det kommer bli ett gig i Eskilstuna den 14 april?
  7. N

    Translation of VINTERSORG lyrics/titles

    Hmm... First I think that the word for "strong wind" is kuling and not kulning. And I don´t think that "nuva" has something to do with cold. Snuva has on the other hand... Skogsnuan is another name on her... (without the v in the middle). I´m not really sure what the meaning with the name...
  8. N

    Translation of VINTERSORG lyrics/titles

    I did notice that you people wondered what "skogens gullfar" and "skogsnuvan" meant... Well. Back in the old days the swedish people used to call some animals by additional names, so called "noa-namn", just so that they would not uppset them by calling them with their real name. Those animals...
  9. N

    2000 Decibel forum-meeting

    My personal experience of the show was great, and beyond!!! For years I´ve longed to see Vintersorg live, and now I have finally done it. And never had I thought that his voice would sound so good on stage. It was amazing! And Tyr´s bassplaying was extraordinary, as well as Mattias guitar...
  10. N


    Yes! Ska bli härligt med lite headbang! :hotjump:
  11. N

    what is your fav vintersorg song?

    Hard choice... :err: "Urberget, äldst av troner", I think wears the crown for the moment!
  12. N

    Will we ever hear from OTYG again

    Well, thank you David for a excellent track! :rock: ...and thank you Morgana for the welcoming! :)
  13. N

    Will we ever hear from OTYG again

    Hey Mr V, is there no chance that you and the others in Otyg makes an remastered re-realese of the three otyg-demos? :Saint: