Recent content by NietjeTuck

  1. NietjeTuck

    Global Warming

    Humanity as it stands does not deserve to live among the other animals of this world. People, as Susperia rightly said, don't give a shit. We are, of course, parasites. I'm a survivalist, if I had the choice I'd be living in the French countryside or something, but I'd be taxed et cetera...
  2. NietjeTuck

    Sweet guitars

    I got a Peavy Wolfgang exactly like that ;) Same colour et cetera. Van Halen sig, before they stopped making them.
  3. NietjeTuck


    I wouldn't care. I've never seen a skinhead, let alone 10.
  4. NietjeTuck

    My BestOf COB CD!

    I didn't hate it, I just ignored it. "What isn't real can't hurt me! What isn't real can't hurt me! What isn't real can't hurt me! "
  5. NietjeTuck

    Bodom at the Astoria.

    On the upside I met Swedish/Northern European people everywhere. Starbucks, Subways, The Astoria. Oh, I walked right past Roope and didn't notice. My mates said "Holy shit it was Roope!" but by the time we turned around he had gone. Tracking down a short, leatherbound metalhead outside the...
  6. NietjeTuck

    Bodom at the Astoria.

    To the pikeys flogging extra tickets and fake memorabelia? Honestly though Bodom were awesome. I don't know whether to be ashamed to be a fan or not :cry:
  7. NietjeTuck

    Bodom at the Astoria.

    Well, I wanted to see my favourite band, not a fatass.
  8. NietjeTuck

    Bodom at the Astoria.

    Well, I just got back, and what an utter disappointment (for me). Too many fanboi's there. Singing Hate Me to some fat girls shoulder, who was smoking, and yet complained that she shouldn't be pushed because 'she was pregant' wasn't too fun. The support bands sucked, I was constantly being...
  9. NietjeTuck

    What is Roope singing in the TLIH video?

    "Black Death" *Swaggers* "Black Death"
  10. NietjeTuck

    Own Pictures Thread

    I dunno her buddies are screwed up, most likely a phalice or a blade /wristcut.
  11. NietjeTuck

    World of Warcraft, anyone?

    Yeah NickBrookes bought it today. Say Bye Bye to him for a few months lads :)
  12. NietjeTuck

    Own Pictures Thread

    :hotjump: Lol, I feel bad now. That's my great buddies friend (My friend is the pretty one in the middle :P). She sent me the photo and I LOL'd so hard at the fat tart. Had to do it.
  13. NietjeTuck

    World of Warcraft, anyone?

    I had a 60 Nelf Priest on Sunstrider. I sold my account for £70 and went cold turkey. It is a huge releif.:D
  14. NietjeTuck

    Own Pictures Thread

    That's me right there on the left.
  15. NietjeTuck

    Favorite Dictator?
