Recent content by Nightwish

  1. Nightwish

    Kill your mama....

    He has the intellect of a freshman drop out? I guess that would explain why he knows the History of the Czars of Russia. Not to mention other delightful historical tidbits of information. Working at an automotive factory? Nah, he hates working on cars. Listening to hair metal...
  2. Nightwish

    Anyone on mIRC?

    I'm a file server on mIRC, on phazenet, and I started a new channel, #Ultimate_Metal, the channel name wasn't made with this site in mind... it was actually just a coincidence, but after I created the channel I though... hey, what better place to advertise it? So... basically I'm looking for...
  3. Nightwish

    Which is better, Megadeth or Metallica?

    I agree with you for the most part. Master of Puppets IS a metal master piece... it's hard to beat Orion, or the song Master of Puppets, for that matter, but I absolutely LOVE Countdown to Extinction too. I love Sweating Bullets and This Was My Life. These two CDs are ALWAYS in my CD player. I...
  4. Nightwish

    Which is better, Megadeth or Metallica?

    Personally, I can't decide. I mean, for every great album one has, the other has one equally great! (Like Master of Puppets/Countdown to Extinction) And for every underrated album, the other has one just like it. (Like Load/Risk) So what do all of you think?
  5. Nightwish

    Whats Ypur Fav. MANOWAR album?

    You really don't get it, do you? Apparently, you're a little slow. Perhaps some day I'll draw you a picture in crayon and scan it so you'll understand, but at the moment it's just not worth my time, so I'll put it in plain english for you: You're a moron. Manowar isn't gay. Shut up. I hope...
  6. Nightwish

    Um, Hi...... and stuff

    Thanks for the kind welcomes, everyone! And yeah, JonnyD's my fiance. We'll have been together a whole year on March 21st! =>
  7. Nightwish

    King Diamond

    I would have to say that I like KD and MF equally. I have Voodoo and House of God from KD and A Dangerous Meeting from MF. I've been meaning to pick up more, but haven't had the chance. Good stuff. :rock:
  8. Nightwish

    Um, Hi...... and stuff

    Lol, standard procedure. The female metalhead IS a rare breed, indeed. :rock:
  9. Nightwish

    New album?

    I'm a bit behind in my Nevermore news, so to speak. I got all their CDs and I'm wondering... are they planning on putting out a new one soon, or what? I mean, Dead Heart in a Dead World came out in 2000... it's now 2003... I want some new Nevermore! So, what's the deal? Does anyone know?
  10. Nightwish

    this must be THE place to feel at home

    It happens. Pretty much the ONLY reasons why I pass up concerts are: No money. No Transportation. And/or No time (ie: I'm working that day.) I'm supposed to go to a Skid Row concert this month, and a Metallica concert next. Can't wait... :rock:
  11. Nightwish

    The GMD Now Playing Thread!!!

    Megadeth - This Was My Life
  12. Nightwish

    Iced Earth- Tribute To The Gods

    Their covers could've been a bit more diverse, but their covers of these particular songs are some of the best covers I've heard of them. I liked it for the most part. I would probably give it an 8.7 :grin:
  13. Nightwish


    Ah, I see. Then the problem is most likely that he doesnt have enough phlem coating his throat that would prevent pain. In which case, my suggestion of warm milk and honey (or maple syrup) would work great. It coats the throat beautifully for that sort of thing. :cool:
  14. Nightwish

    this must be THE place to feel at home

    You're missing out then. I went to a Judas Priest concert this summer that was one of the best concerts I've ever been to. Bar none.
  15. Nightwish

    List your Music Collection.

    Lol... I got a ton of stuff too, that would take hours to list here.