Recent content by Ninkasi

  1. N

    Reunions you'd like to see

    Gentle Giant - the most prog band ever (not to mention my favorite band).
  2. N

    What new bands do you want to see for PP VIII?

    I haven't bought a power metal album in a while (aside from the latest Helloween album) and don't really listen to it much anymore but these are the prog bands I would like to see: 1. Pain of Salvation (although I have heard that they won't play in the US anymore because of the new entry...
  3. N

    Requests for VII?

    Anyone who remembers any of my posts from years past knows that I am a Watchtower fanatic and that they are at the top of my list of bands that I want to see at PPVII. One thing that I think would be really cool for PPVII (and only for this time) would be to have all American bands play...
  4. N

    3 prog cd's come out in the states today

    King Crimson is very good but Rush and Gentle Giant are both equally as talented and in my opinion, better than King Crimson. Considering that Rush has released 14 solid prog rock albums (and three no-so-prog rock but still good albums (the last three)), I think they deserve the title. Just my...
  5. N

    fuck Ozzfest, Gigantour is coming...

    It is possible for someone who would ordinarily pay $35 or more to see Dream Theater alone to not want to go to this concert on account of really hating the other bands who are playing. Being forced to listen to music that one hates sucks but at high volumes it can be torture (and in most...
  6. N

    Biggest ProgPower Mistakes

    Thus far, I have only been to III and not going to II and IV were mistakes (as well as not even knowing about I). On the second day of III, I made the mistake of getting to the hotel's breakfast buffet late and eating a large amount of somewhat cold food very fast. I made it worse by going...
  7. N

    Sea of Dreams interested in playing PP!!!

    No, they have been broken up and recently have gotten back together again. Also, - I find that most bands whose first language isn't English cannot write good English lyrics (there are exceptions). This is especially true with power metal. After all, if I were to try to write lyrics in...
  8. N

    Angra, "The Shadow Hunter"

    While I like prog more than power, I still like power a lot too and Angra is my second favorite power metal band. However, I guess power metal has become much broader than it used to be and thus it is possible to really like some power metal and to be really bored with others. In my case, Holy...
  9. N

    Jacobs Dream

    I have Theater of War and it is definitely very good American power metal.
  10. N

    Help with ProgMetal...

    A rainbow in Pittsburgh is definitely a rarity - not because of a lack of rain but rather a lack of sun. At first I thought this picture was an artist's depiction of PNC Park (which I have only been to once - I can't sit still that long).
  11. N

    Help with ProgMetal...

    Here is their website: There are some sound clips on their site. They are a Norwegian band and like the many other prog/power Norwegian bands (Spiral Architect, Conception, Pagan's Mind, ect.) very talented. They have both a definite Keeper's era Helloween...
  12. N

    Help with ProgMetal...

    Watchtower - arguably *the first* prog metal band and in my opinion, only surpassed by Dream Theater and Pain of Salvation - without a doubt one of the most talented, original, and insane metal bands ever - they have a prog/thrash sound Cynic - a death metal band that turned into a complex...
  13. N

    How it happened this year:

    Glenn, congratulations on the great lineup. It must have been a lot of work (and worrying). Just out of curiousity, is Watchtower a band that you would ever consider having at a future ProgPower or am I just wasting my time advocating them? Along with Fates Warning, they were the first prog...
  14. N

    final 2 bands

    I wouldn't mind seeing Accept. What I would really like to see happen is for Pink Cream 69 take Therion's spot as the fourth band on Saturday, Therion to move to the fourth spot on Friday, the band that was scheduled for that fourth spot to move to the fifth spot on Friday, and Watchtower to...
  15. N

    Predictions for remaining 4 bands...

    Jacob's Dream would be awesome. I didn't know they were coming out with another album - I will have to check it out.