Recent content by Nizzen

  1. N


    Yeah, Hatesphere rule! I've had the opprotunuty seeing them in Esbjerg, Denmark, where they opened for mighty Entombed. They delivered a powerfull show and had a great attitude!
  2. N

    Where abouts is everyone from?

    Denmark, I guess my fave bands from DK are Raunchy and Mnemic. We had two great bands a while ago, Invocator and Fuel, but they split. Invocator is rejoining though, exciting!
  3. N

    Mnemic, a band similar to Meshuggah

    Quite agreable on that one... But I honestly don't think they sound like Rob Zombie, I think you're mistaking them with someone else! Their latest akbum just hit the streets this week, and that's their debut!!
  4. N

    Mnemic, a band similar to Meshuggah

    Have any of you heard the Danish band Mnemic? They are releasing their debut on Nuclear Blast this week. They are inspired by Meshuggah and they have gotten a perfect production on their debut "Mechanical Spin Phenomena". Check them out on What do you think?
  5. N

    Unique Solos

    I guess Meshuggah is the band with the unique leads, quite a great style an innovative way of playing!
  6. N


    Thanx man
  7. N


    Hey, Aweden once had an underground fanzine called Hypnosia. The editor, Kentha P. also played in a band called Leukemia! Does anyone know what happened to him and his fanzine and band?