Recent content by nnej

  1. nnej

    Avast, me hearties!

    We are just too british...
  2. nnej

    Avast, me hearties!

    Clearly, we are. I, myself, enjoy a good mug of Yorkshire tea and it's made so much better with a good ol' digestive!
  3. nnej

    Bandname vs. Bandname Game

    Turisas vs. Nevermore
  4. nnej

    Avast, me hearties!

    Hey, new here too. Love tea and cheese, tea is epic.
  5. nnej

    DOWNLOAD 2012

    Can't sem to find a thread on this site, i'm either blind/not looking properly/living up to the n00b status or there isn't one? Is everyone excited?
  6. nnej

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    I'm still loving Machinehead's latest album, I have it on repeat at work most of the time.
  7. nnej

    Hey [:

    Hi I'm Nnej, 21 from Scarborough, North Yorks! I'm a big devildriver and machinehead fan (just a lot excited for Download then!) also like music from the likes of Opeth, Yashin, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Napalm Deth and loads more. I play bass guitar and violin, and I'm hoping to become...