Recent content by Noctem

  1. N

    Fråga till Dan

    Hej Dan Vi är en grupp ungdomar som går estetiska programmet (musik). Vi hade tänkt spela Uncreation på en konsert på skolan om det är okej för dig? Enda problemet är att jag inte vet hur gitarr-slingan går...och nu undrar jag om jag skulle kunna få gitarr tabulaturen om det inte är allt för...
  2. N

    just out of curiosity....

    i know what i want but i dont know how to get it
  3. N

    Thy Majestie

    hmmm a Power Metal band from Italy if im not wrong...Power Metal is not my style
  4. N

    Make the band of your dreams!

    Dan Swanö - Vocals Jon Nödtveit - Guitars Chuck Schuldiner - Guitars Cliff Burton - Bass Fuast - Drums
  5. N


    Chuck Schuldiner Jon Nödtveit Mikael Åkerfeldt James Hetfield Peter Tägtgren
  6. N

    in flames or arch enemy?

    Ill have to go With Arch Enemy
  7. N

    The GMD Now Playing Thread!!!

  8. N

    Metal Game

    Vader Ablaze My Sorrow or Sirenia
  9. N

    Depressing Songs

    Anything from Sentenced
  10. N

    Seinfeld or Married With Children

    Married Whit Children :flame:
  11. N

    just a quick rant!

    I dont care what people think of me...its just stupid that they cant accept that there is people who are different and dress different than the big masses...fuck those people :flame:
  12. N

    Can anybody find me somebody to love?

    Fuck love because love will fuck you...i have no idea what the fuck im talking about :dopey:
  13. N

    Melodic Death Metal Vs. Death Metal

    Bullshit you got good music and you got bad music...thats it
  14. N

    Children Of Bodom Song

    ARRRRGGHH die die die die DIE :mad:
  15. N

    Now playing thread

    Fucking Rules