Recent content by NocturnalBnd

  1. N

    have u ever seen cob live?

    Yeah, I have seen them live twice. Both time moshing like hell in the first row! I had huge bruises on my body after the last bodom gig! :)
  2. N

    Check this guitar player and laugh

    Hope he someday realizes that a good riff or guitar solo doesn't have to be millions of notes played in a couple of seconds, and instead use his guitar playing abilitiy to make real music that's message is more than to impress other wannabe guitar shredders... One good note is better than...
  3. N

    Children of Bodom acquired taste?

    Right away. At the time I had started to listen to darker and more agressive metal, and then when my friend played the Hatebreeder album for me it just blew me away!
  4. N

    Studio Operaatio

    Soittakaa pojat Paranoid!! :grin:
  5. N

    Mitä sinä tekisit...?

    Sanoisin että "Älä itke, kyllä Laiho rakastaa sinut silti, vaikka varastit hänen kitaransa! Ota mun käteni, selviämme tästä yhdessä!". Sitten laitamme päälle ostosteeveestä ostettu Power of Love kokoelma cd ja halattaisimme ja itkisimme ja lausuttaisimme kauniita runoja yhdessä koko yön. Aamullä...
  6. N

    Favorite Movie

    My favorite movies (in no particular order): Kevin Smith movies (Clerks, Chasing Amy, Dogma etc.) Silence of the Lambs The Cky movies (exept the third, somehow it wasn't as good as the others, there were too much jokes surrounding poop/feces in it or something :) Lord of the Rings Sleepy...
  7. N

    Which studio?

    Only "Follow the Reaper" was recorded in Abyss, Laiho has said in a lot of interviews that he think FtR ended up not sounding as he had liked, and maybe thats why they'd choose to record in Astia Studios again. Even Bodom's early demos (when Bodom was Inearthed) were recorded in Astia Studios...
  8. N

    Ja Alexin Kepit pällitty nosturissa!

    Tai kuten joku on varmasti jo sanonut, se kusipää ottaa varmasti elektroniikka osat pois ja vaikka heittää pois tai polttaa muut osat. VITUTTAA kun ajattelee että joku voi tehdä niin!! :yuk: :Puke: :( Jos olette lukeneet tästä aiheesta boardilla niin tiedätte jo varmasti mitä pitäisi tehdä...
  9. N

    latest News update

    Laiho and Latvala have done a couple of in-store guitar shows in Finland (stores that sell Jackson guitars). I don't know if the shows are associated with Jackson in any way, but from what I understand they demonstrate their equipment and talk about Jackson guitars... Not saying Alexi is greedy...
  10. N

    Bodom ym ym. Nosturissa (miittiä?)

    hmm? joka seisoi mun vasemmalle oli samanpituinen kun minä, ja hänellä oli tummat hiukset, ei huivia... ??
  11. N

    Ja Alexin Kepit pällitty nosturissa!

    Voisiko tämä olla sama Jyrki haastattelu?: Siinä kysyttiin ainakin tämä: "Jyrki:Onks sulla laisinkaan elämää musiikin ulkopuolella siis semmosta niinkun ihan jotain aivan toista ääripäätä mitä sä duunailet tai mkä on sulle...
  12. N

    Whoever stole Alexi's guitars, give them back you fucker!!!

    Translation: (originally posted by Julma Jurmu) ( You idiot who stole Alexi's both guitars from Nosturi after the party, we recommend you return them pretty fucking quickly. We already have eye witness statements and the crime...
  13. N

    Bodom ym ym. Nosturissa (miittiä?)

    Hei!, luulen että se lyhyt äijä jolla on pitkät tummat hiukset on minä! Se blondi moppipää on varmasti mun kaveri sitten! Itse muistan että mun oikealle oli mun toinen kaveri, pitkä jätkä jolla on lyhyet tummat hiukset, hänen oikealla oli kalju ja blondi tyyppi jolla molemmilla oli Mayhem paita...
  14. N

    Whoever stole Alexi's guitars, give them back you fucker!!!

    Very stupid move. They won't do anything with the guitars, just sit there at home at think "wow, it's Alexis guitar" and put it back in the closet so the police or other metalheads won't find it. If they sell it, they get caught, if they use it on a gig, they get caught. But as fucked up as this...
  15. N

    latest News update

    In the booklet of the Sinergy album "Suicide By My Side", says that Alexi Laiho and Roope Latvala is endorsed by Jackson...