Recent content by nocturnalsoul

  1. nocturnalsoul

    stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

    I was going to make a random picture for this moment, but it appears there is a band called "Lynch Mob" and they are dominating the google image database.
  2. nocturnalsoul

    Hawt guys

    Of course I post it. Hehe hi there Louweasel. On a scale on 1-100 (Peter being 100) the next best guys are like 45. He's all you need really. Sure I tried finding other hawt guys but my heart isn't in it. There just are none who compare. Did you see Jocke call me Dask or did you know it was...
  3. nocturnalsoul

    "Eaten" video from DVD

  4. nocturnalsoul

    "Eaten" video from DVD

    It is posted at the official site.
  5. nocturnalsoul

    A new take on "Eaten" :)

    Yes Hello :)
  6. nocturnalsoul

    A new take on "Eaten" :)

    Pretty funny, and so well done. :D I laughed the hardest at the "desecrate me" part.
  7. nocturnalsoul

    Hawt guys

    Who is he?
  8. nocturnalsoul

    Death Metal Bands

    After several listens I think it's better than it initially seemed. In any case, the worst of MA is better than most shit out there. Sure, maybe they never topped Altars or (IMO) Blessed Are the Sick, but Covenant, Domination and Gateways are still fucking awesome. Morbid Angel was the best...
  9. nocturnalsoul

    Death Metal Bands

  10. nocturnalsoul

    Post random pics of yourself

  11. nocturnalsoul

    Hawt guys

    You could try saying "Fuck off with those ugly men, this is pretty boys and man boob pics only."
  12. nocturnalsoul

    funny pictures thread!

    lol but eww
  13. nocturnalsoul

    Hawt guys

    Seriously, you don't think Trey is hawt? Out of curiosity: do you like his music?
  14. nocturnalsoul

    Death Metal Bands

    fuck all that. Blessed :rock:
  15. nocturnalsoul

    Hawt guys

    Haha! I thought you meant because he is a drummer. Purely lookswise he is better looking than Trey so I'm a little confused that you didn't object to Trey. Maybe it's a dicktar thing. There's more to being sexy than having a pretty face though. At least I hope so or I'm fucked! Or rather, I'm...