Recent content by Noj

  1. Noj

    Keep The Bloodstock Forum Here!

    I know Vince is open to everyones feelings on Bloodstock, so here are mine! I much prefer this forum, the new one is entirely too big and takes hours to wade through all the new (and old) topics - and the bonus with this forum is you are only a mouse click away from the ultimate metal index...
  2. Noj

    Bilskirnir Extreme Metal Night! A birmingham based event, we can currently offer tours around the UK with our large community base. (Oran Mor) Please check the site out and click Dates to see the upcomming gigs!
  3. Noj

    It's my birthday!

    Now all you have to do is wait till your 18 to legally live the ManOwaR way. Drink beer, Fuck & listen to metal.
  4. Noj

    Forgetful Minds & Rock Soc Passes.

    hmm ok well i'll staple it to my nipple so i can't lose it.
  5. Noj

    Jack the reaper continued

    Someone should do a flash cartoon. hah
  6. Noj

    Forgetful Minds & Rock Soc Passes.

    What would happen if say myself, a rock soc member - forgot my passcard? I can remember my number etc. but just for arguements sake, what would happen if anyone forgot it?
  7. Noj


    Hmm, don't really know i guess pretty much anyone that likes black/death/power.
  8. Noj

    Panic Cell take last main stage slot...

    I downloaded their clips, thought they had a rather generic roadrunner sound to them, so i'll most likely get some pizza whilst they're on depending whats on in the darwin!
  9. Noj

    Conquest of Steel - Snooty Fox, Wakefield

    Funny you should mention that... BIOMECHANICAL, CONQUEST OF STEEL & H.O.S.T.I.L.E Are playing a gig in Birmingham on the 10th April at Bilskirnir Night - The Royal George pub. Entry is £5 but worth it i'm sure you agree! more details:
  10. Noj

    Metal Market?

    I managed to spend about 300-400 on cd's/shirts last year. argh.
  11. Noj

    Metal Women?

    I remember 1 metal chick from last year at bloodstock that i spoke to briefly, everyone probably saw her - the MILF - she had blonde hair and PVC/leather trousers that were about 2 sizes to small. She was a powerquest groupie or something i think haha
  12. Noj

    rasism - what should i do?

    Why can none of you spell racist? You should stop worrying about race and start worrying about your appauling illiteracy.
  13. Noj

    Bloodstockers! Who In The Hell Are You?

    True metal is metal that keeps faithful to the original ways of metal, to be loud, proud and to drink and fuck! Then you have false metal, which is all about £££ and who can release the greatest of ammount of shit albums and then remix the same album to make yet more £££.
  14. Noj

    Metal Women?

    Why is there a distinct lack of real power metal ladies about? Especially in the midlands, it's quite sickening! Come on ladies everyone move to Birmingham for the greater good!
  15. Noj
