Recent content by Norsyna

  1. Norsyna

    Top 5 Mixing Headphones on 200-250$ range?

    Agreed - own a set and love em.
  2. Norsyna

    Finally getting a set of drum mic's - rode nt5's + sm57's or audix?

    Audix DP5A all the way. Back in the day I bought a D6 and an I5 - I was so happy with the Audix stuff I brought them back in to swap for a complete DP5A pack. Great mics and the bang for buck is awesome!
  3. Norsyna

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    I have that same Antec case - love it. The fan speed controls and the extra USB access right at the top are great to have.
  4. Norsyna

    VCC Released

    Really looking forward to the win RTAS release - can't wait to try this bad boy out!
  5. Norsyna

    Slate Digital FG-X - Group Buy

  6. Norsyna

    Slate Digital FG-X - Group Buy

    I have an iLok.
  7. Norsyna

    Slate Digital FG-X - Group Buy

    Lol, no one fibbed to me - I'm just a quiet guy. I've been browsing this forum for a year and a half and registered last May ; )
  8. Norsyna

    Slate Digital FG-X - Group Buy

    I'm in for sure at this price - mark me down on the list!
  9. Norsyna

    Slate Digital FG-X Mastering Processor

    I'd be interested - price depending!