Recent content by NoSoul

  1. NoSoul

    Catamenia parts ways with 4 members

    A "novel" incoming, do not try to read it if very impatient and having weak nerves :P ... There aren't such ppl in the forum. In case you mean me, cuz I'm the one who "defends" Cata's music the most - you're wrong. I don't do anything blindly and wouldn't praise smth that I dislike. For your...
  2. NoSoul

    Catamenia parts ways with 4 members

    Well, here it is - the official statement released at Catamenia's official website. "Line-up changes! (04.10.2010) I'm sad to inform you all about huge and unfortunate line-up changes in the band. Ari, Toni, Kari and Mikko decided to part ways with Catamenia because of their project...
  3. NoSoul

    Catamenia parts ways with 4 members

    Hah, I wrote that there was only 1 angry post from a band member and not just 1 post against the negative stuff. Of course, in a band forum one would expect the ppl who are there to actually like the stuff that the band makes and it's more than sure that when someone says smth bad about the...
  4. NoSoul

    Catamenia parts ways with 4 members

    Ok, things are settling little by little :). Riku announced that Cata will go on (as expected :D ), so a bit more patience and ppl will learn about the new-line up next week, most probably. The new/old bassist was announced a few days ago and it's Mikko Hepo-oja, who played on "Winternight...
  5. NoSoul

    Catamenia parts ways with 4 members

    Hmm what I know about that whole thing is not coming out of my mouth, not for anything but trust me, I got a good explanation of the situation and not just a plain "personal reasons". In official statements ppl usually tell even less about the happening, the most that you can learn from them is...
  6. NoSoul

    Catamenia parts ways with 4 members

    Nope :), that is not the reason why the guys left. What happened has nothing to do with their musical abilities, quality of the last album or anything connected to the music in general. Well, the guys will continue being part of the musical scene anyway, so we just have to wait and see... hear...
  7. NoSoul

    Catamenia parts ways with 4 members

    ... They did drop the wolf theme, Cavalcade has nothing to do with wolves... and the full-length albums are 9. Would be nice to check things out before writing. That thing about progressively worse over the years, mediocre, not very popular - depends on who's looking at it actually. Not all...
  8. NoSoul

    Catamenia parts ways with 4 members

    @ Alteredmindeath: Has it been a struggle or not can only be confirmed by the people who have been involved with the band. Not everything can go smoothly and bands consist of people... different people with different beliefs, points of view, characters etc. Not everyone can "exist" in the same...
  9. NoSoul

    Catamenia parts ways with 4 members

    Sadly, it is true :( . Ari, Toni, Kari and Mikko are no longer members of Catamenia. The band currently consists of 1 member only and that is Riku. There is no information about the band's future yet, but that will be cleared in the upcoming official statement. I would like to thank all the...
  10. NoSoul

    Am I the only one

    :yow: :grin: It feels as if you've been in my head while writing this (not meant as an insult or smth)... Probably, I would have used a few different words and the experimenting band examples would have been other (Paradise Lost for me, for instance) but still - I agree with you completely!
  11. NoSoul

    New cover, yay or nay?

    Ohhooo, it's b&w :D Awesome! The art is really good! Love it! Also love how that touch of red enhances the whole thing! Great work!
  12. NoSoul

    6th album update

    Hehehheheh, yeah, the 7th part is a killer, quite amusing :goggly: :lol: ! Those photos will be awesome :kickass:! Absolutely a great way to end the diary!
  13. NoSoul

    Change in style ?

    :) Oh, yes, that's the vid with the great quality, where the song can actually be heard nicely! Now that's a fast upload... that show was yesterday, wasn't it! Anyways, after watching this and really hearing the music, I can calmly say that the song is absolutely awesome :kickass: !
  14. NoSoul

    Change in style ?

    Yep, it's true! And that's the way it is with most bands out there... After all, those musicians are people and not some machines, programmed to do the same thing over and over again! They change... they "grow", develop and improve all the time (and I don't mean just musically but, in every...
  15. NoSoul

    Change in style ?

    Yeah, I watched that one too (thanks, Djura :) ). It does sound a bit different, that's for sure, even though not very much can be heard in the video! However, the music that I actually managed to process in my head sounded really good to me! So, now I'm even more anxious for the album to come...