Recent content by NothingRemains

  1. NothingRemains

    DiMarzio Dominion Clip

    Sup, just wanted to share a clip of the DiMarzio Dominion Morton Sig pu that I put on one of my strats recently. This thing spits out a real shitload of mids, love it! Enjoy!
  2. NothingRemains

    Jackson X series thoughts?

    Got a green SLXT couple of months ago and pretty much love it. Plays comfortable, put a Bare Knuckle C-Bomb into the bridge position, thing freakin rips..:goggly:
  3. NothingRemains

    syqem - reflections of elephants

    +1 Beautiful arrangements, catchy stuff with a nice groove and a superb mix. Love it. :goggly:
  4. NothingRemains

    MIXING TIME: LoG Style Song!

    My try.. also threw in some Randy vox taken off the Sacrament Producers Edition. Cheers! :kickass:
  5. NothingRemains

    Jackson Guitars Got myself a SLXT last week.. upgraded it with a new graphtec nut, dunlop strap locks and a BKP ceramic Nailbomb is waiting to be installed. This beast freakin' rips.. gotta love the...
  6. NothingRemains

    Help with overall mix

    Oops, looks like we can't find that page!
  7. NothingRemains

    Reaper Themes

    Default V4 here as well.
  8. NothingRemains

    The REAPER appreciation thread!

    Been using Reaper for a couple of years now... love it!
  9. NothingRemains

    Mixing Time: Epic Cinematic Symphonic Trailer Metal Really like your stuff man, so here's my attempt on this one..
  10. NothingRemains

    Intel i5 2500k or i7 2600k The 2500k is max bang for the buck while the 2600k is the more "high end"-ish cpu. Upgraded my rig with a 2600k and 12 gigs of RAM.. lovin it. But I also think the i5 would be sufficient for recording..
  11. NothingRemains

    Super Heavy Deathcore! 5150+ENGL (LOOK!)

    Needs moar cowbell! :D
  12. NothingRemains

    I'm a passive pickup guy now!

    Bare Knuckle Pickups. Been using Trilogy Suites, Nailbombs, Painkillers and also the new Aftermath and they´re pretty awesome though rather pricey.
  13. NothingRemains

    Metal DI's my attempt, cheers
  14. NothingRemains

    Super Heavy Deathcore! 5150+ENGL (LOOK!)

    I'd prefer midi.. btw your final mix is pretty sick :kickass: