Recent content by nulpunkt

  1. nulpunkt


    Cool mix! I like the sound. Some things you can try out: * 0:10 when the extra guitars come in, I'd try double those and pan them hard. * 0:20 the boom might become more theatrical with a special effect sound. Try putting a shotgun sound underneath, maybe a bass drop or something like that...
  2. nulpunkt

    Hardcore/grind/punk metal; mix critique request

    Quick headphone listen: On the "could be better" side: - Top-end seems a little harsh - In the fast parts the bass drum does not cut through too well (in general it does, though) - Vocals are maybe a tad low and distorted - The backing vocal for "I am not the enemy" feels a little weird so loud...
  3. nulpunkt

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    I'm considering buying these as well. Please let us know how they did!