Recent content by numchuck

  1. N

    You guys are mean.

    Duluth motherfucking Minnesota!
  2. N

    You guys are mean.

    Yes and no. It is an adjective, in the same vein as stupid for that reason, but the connotation of mean is more slanted towards usage by one who is demeaned, rather than one who is attempting to demean. It assumes a less offensive figurative posture and therefor isn't meant as an insult, more a...
  3. N

    You guys are mean.

    Furthermore, as to the meaning of mean in the thread title: mean adj. mean·er, mean·est Selfish in a petty way; unkind. Cruel, spiteful, or malicious. Ignoble; base: a mean motive. Miserly; stingy. Low in quality or grade; inferior. Low in value or amount; paltry: paid no mean...
  4. N

    You guys are mean.

    I don't know what you're talking about. I LOVE it when you speak Portuguese! It gets me all hot and bothered. Portu-fucking-guese 4 life!
  5. N

    this is scary shit

    West Nile ownz you all!!
  6. N

    You guys are mean.

    mean v. meant, (mnt) mean·ing, means v. tr. To be used to convey; denote: “‘The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things’” (Lewis Carroll). To act as a symbol of; signify or represent: In this poem, the budding flower means youth. To intend to...
  7. N

    Truth and Lightness

    Where are you trapped? Under ice? Can you move at all? Are you dying to live? Why don't you try crying out? Ha ha ha ha ha! God, I crack myself up sometimes!
  8. N


    Sinergy? Like synergy? I gave a dwarf character who is a 6th level fighter and a 6th level psychic warrior, and he gets a +2 synergy bonus to tumble for all his ranks in jump! He's great!
  9. N

    You guys are mean.

    Nobody replies? Please reply...
  10. N

    You guys are mean.

    Really mean. How does that make you feel?
  11. N

    Triple Octave Death Screams

    Well, you've got to have a solid 3 octave vocal range. Good fucking luck.
  12. N

    Help I need Death Metal tabs.

    Well I apologize if it seemed as I was insulting the music you listen to, because what I listen to is probably quite similar. I record and produce my own music, so perhaps you'd like to give it a listen. My webpage is and there will be mp3's up in a couple of days, so perhaps you'd...
  13. N

    does anybody here use line6 stuff?

    I run a Line6 POD --> Behringer mx1700 --> Alesis Nanocompressor --> Fostex VF1600 or a Marshall AVT50, and I fucking love it. It can produce the widest range of tones of any single processor I've used.
  14. N

    Musicians vs. Non-musicians

    I am a musician, and I've had my phase of intellectual ejaculation where you sit around and pick apart every song you listen too, basing all your favorite bands on their guitar solos. I like to think, however, that I've grown out of that. Dave Mathews Band, while they are very talented...
  15. N

    Help I need Death Metal tabs.

    You are all extremely perceptive to the fine arts of sarcasm, aren't you? I don't have a problem with death metal, nor do I think that I am ignorant, so if you'd like me to flaunt everthing I know about theory and harmony and sound like a cocky bastard, perhaps your should ask yourself of your...