Recent content by Olivier 'zoltar' Badin

  1. Olivier 'zoltar' Badin

    CRYPT OF KERBEROS Signs With Pulverised Records!

    Me neither but I'm anxiously waiting and waiting... :err:
  2. Olivier 'zoltar' Badin

    October Tide

    Has this vinyl version any bonuses compared to the CD version, that is apart from the new artwork??
  3. Olivier 'zoltar' Badin


    This is ridiculous... Over 100$ for an EP!!!
  4. Olivier 'zoltar' Badin


    Wow, that's so gerat to hear! I strongly belive this band was ahead of its time when they first around... So maybe, at long last, people are finally going to catch up with them... :)
  5. Olivier 'zoltar' Badin

    New Paganizer and Ribspreader albums

    May I ask the whereabouts of BLOODGUT? Is this release also postponed ad infinitum?
  6. Olivier 'zoltar' Badin

    VIC NEWS: Odyssey - Odyssey

    I really don't know how those 'covers' are going to fit in with that concept... Then again, I haven't listened to that EP for a looooooong time (yes, I do one original copy) but fuck, I somehow always trust Dan to come up with the goods so...