Recent content by OMG00B3R

  1. O

    question for Barre

    nevermind guys, i found his email address in the contact section
  2. O

    question for Barre

    yea i have a question to ask him, but i don't want to ask it on here in case of weird band stalkers who might try and stalk him or something. does he have a personal email address that i can send an email to or could i just try sending an email the band?
  3. O

    Poor Steve Irwin

    i didn't watch his show but he was really cool... the way he died was ironic
  4. O

    ---> new to the forum? introduce yourself here <---

    hey i'm new. from the US. DT is definitely one of my favorites. The End.
  5. O

    People from US who listen to DT

    yea i listen to DT and i am definitely from the US... unless i got kidnapped and taken to another seemingly similar planet while i was asleep