Recent content by Once Sent From The Golden Hall

  1. Once Sent From The Golden Hall

    Video from release shows???

    skål I know they don't come here: e qst nn va bene!!!!! We only must hope for the next year.....
  2. Once Sent From The Golden Hall

    "AA" searching!!

    HI!! I don't know if there are other topics like that (I think not), so I wuold ask if you can give me the names of other bands like AA (or like Thyrfing) I'm sure that no bands can reach our AA! They are the best! But ...anyway...try to tell me something! thanks thanks
  3. Once Sent From The Golden Hall

    help me!!!

    skål!!! I know that someone here can help me: I cannot understand Johan!! can you translate for me this piece of An Ancient Sign of Coming Storm? "Där tog en nordlig vind skeppet, så att kungen ombord fördes med till strid mot två kungar De djärva kungarna Hälsade med pilskott...
  4. Once Sent From The Golden Hall

    fate of norns, should i buy it?

    buy it, for sure!!! it's fantastic! power & melody, not as heavy as The Crusher, not as Versus the World (inimitable!), but a great follower! and then the lyrics are truly viking!
  5. Once Sent From The Golden Hall

    Favorite track off of Fate of Norns?

    ARSON!!! for me it's the better song, for musicality, lyrics, voice... and for its peculiar sound: it's very slow and powerful. fantastic!!! I love also Fate of Norns, Once Sealed in Blood, Valkiries Ride... it's been very hard for me to choose!
  6. Once Sent From The Golden Hall


    HIII! I'm new of this forum! I'm a great fan of ours AA (but not so great English speaker!!) is anybody here from Italy?