Recent content by [onyx]

  1. [onyx]

    Post a non-Opeth related picture/image that seems Opeth to you....

    Looks more like "The Late Afternoon And The Silent Water." :)
  2. [onyx]

    Now Playing Thread

    Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony 9, 4th movement (presto, allegro assai). This movement alone is 25 minutes. :D I'm at 16:30. Not to mention he was deaf when he wrote it.
  3. [onyx]

    Interesting Opeth listening experiences

    Haha! :lol: That made me laugh out loud for more than a minute. :lol: The only experience I've ever had while listening to Opeth was when I first bought My Arms, Your Hearse. As "April Ethereal" ends, it bleeds into "When." Welp, I was playing the album on my home theater system (just in...
  4. [onyx]

    Favourite Opeth word

    I like "Benighted," the song and the word. There's just something I like about that track, and I'd never even heard the word before. I think it's because of where the word is in the melody; he sings it on a descending scale. :)
  5. [onyx]

    The enigma of Opeth (or…. why this band is #1 in my book)

    Hehe, surely you meant "he can't read english." Speaking and reading are different. A talking cat would be cool, though. :grin: I'm still trying to figure out what to make of this thread. I'll reply once I figure it out.
  6. [onyx]

    Guitarists: Prepare to be disheartened

    He does indeed have skill. The fact is that he's 8, so he's basically just reciting notes. I didn't feel any passion from his playing, but if he stays with it I'm sure he'll come to understand what he's doing. I just hope he appreciates it, because if you don't you might as well not play. I've...
  7. [onyx]


    It is important. The thing is, not all speakers sound good with any type of music played on them. And sometimes the speakers that play music well don't play movies well. You have to do a lot of research before you invest if you're serious about your audio. Being that I listen to everything from...
  8. [onyx]

    Now Playing Thread

    Tool, Stinkfist. :D
  9. [onyx]

    Lopez's Style..

    Danny Carey of Tool is my personal favorite. I could listen to him drum until I die and I wouldn't be bored. You can pick out any track from what they've done and get a good sample of his drumming. In my ears, being a classically trained pianist, he's got a very "orchestral" manner of drumming...
  10. [onyx]

    Now Playing Thread

    "The Day After Tomorrow" score. :)
  11. [onyx]

    Do You Find "Depressing" Music Relaxing?

    I bought a CD once by a group called Phobos. Self-titled album with a glowing figure in the fetal position on the cover. I couldn't find a link to it anywhere. The only reason I bought the album is because I was fascinated with the cover. Musically, the album is very simple, but it's great...
  12. [onyx]

    Recently Purchased Albums

    Have you ever heard Victor Wooten? He plays with Bela Fleck and The Flecktones. The guy is a machine, hands-down the best player I've ever heard. Probably the best alive at the moment. He played with Jaco Pastorius (I think) and Stanley Clark. If you're looking for examples of his playing, check...
  13. [onyx]

    Now Playing Thread

    The Mars Volta - L' Via L' Viaquez :)
  14. [onyx]

    Official Deadwing Appreciation Thread

    That's not a show, it's from As Good As It Gets. Jack Nicholson can deliver lines so well. :)
  15. [onyx]


    Deleted. Some sorta error.