Recent content by oozily

  1. O

    It's amazing.......

    here is a pic from the signing, no sign of Sammet.
  2. O

    It's amazing.......

    Tobias Sammet wasn't at the Edguy signing (i whinged to Mentalee about that!), apparently he was having a kip (slacker!!). He did have a wander around the venue later in the day which is how i manged to snag his autograph and some photo's ;)
  3. O

    A question

  4. O

    Everyone Must See This NOW!

    that looks cool :lol:
  5. O

    Bloodstock Website Upgrade

    That's cool news Vince :) Which forum program are you planning on using? (or am i getting ahead of myself?).
  6. O

    "I know you from the forums! I'll get us a pint!"

    i was going to come in a suit of armour, but i wondered it security might have a problem with it? (well, that and the bloody great broadsword!). either that or just black, black and black as usual ;)
  7. O

    Bloodstock Rock Soc Lucky Dip!q

    funny you mention that but...... ...i should be so lucky!
  8. O

    Bloodstock Rock Soc Lucky Dip!q

    I got a cd called 'crisis vs. crisis' by a band called Glory, i've never heard of them, i will listen to it tomorrow and tell you what i think.
  9. O

    Gamma Ray confirm

    I'm rather happy with it too :D
  10. O

    Bloodstock DVD? Yey Or Ney?

    i'd get one!
  11. O

    Jag Panzer!

    Yeah, Mark posted in the big thread that he would live to do Bloodstock. It's a shame that they are unlikely this year, but at least it leaves something to look forward to next year ;)
  12. O

    Jag Panzer!

    Yeah, Mark posted in the big thread that he would live to do Bloodstock. It's a shame that they are unlikely this year, but at least it leaves something to look forward to next year ;)
  13. O

    Oi Vince...

    Woohoo, i can't wait :D
  14. O


    I not here and i drink water
  15. O

    Reward offered

    I can't show i pic of him, he would never forgive me.