Recent content by OpethFanEternal

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    Now playing thread

    Weezer - Say It Ain't So
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    Concert behavior

    I go to an Opeth concert to hear the best representation of the band, in a live setting, not to get elbowed in the face. So I find a good spot off to the left or right of the pit as close as I can. I stand and soak it all in, so I might look like on of the aforementioned types, but i do a mild...
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    Next Opeth observation: Jens or SW?

    So has the whole side project with SW and Mike Portnoy completely stalled? I was cautiously looking forward to that.
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    Now Playing Thread

    Weezer - The World Has Turned And Left Me Here best weezer song.
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    Epilouge, not just an outro

    Epilogue is not just an ending to the story/album, whatever. Its a great stand-alone track IMO, in fact I put this song all the time. I think one of the reasons I am so drawn to it, is that it doesn't sound like any other Opeth song to me... It treaded different ground. That and that fucking...
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    How would You Introduce Opeth to a friend or parents?

    It took me a LOOOONG time to get into the first album I bought, BWP. I too was introduced by a friend through a mellow song, Harvest, and was initially upset when I heard the rest of it. Then before long I had that CD in my player without a break for months... If the people you are...
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    Now playing thread

    Mastodon - Bladecatcher
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    Now Playing Thread

    So is there any post In Absentia PT that you find a rewarding listen? Or are you more the type who likes they're earlier, more "floyd-esque" stuff (The Sky Moves Sideways, etc)?
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    Now Playing Thread

    Mastodon - Capillarian Crest
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    Now playing thread

    Porcupine Tree - Anesthetize *just about to Alex Lifeson's solo* Loving it!
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    Opeth`s Supports on 2009 Tour - Your Propositions.

    I've heard three that I'm very much in support of: 1) Opeth brings no support and plays 4 hours! 2) Porcupine Tree 3) Anathema Any would make it a very pleasurable experience.
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    What Music Have You Bought Recently?

    Elliott Smith - Either/Or Iron & Wine - The Sheppard's Dog Peeping Tom - Peeping Tom Okkervil River - Don't Fall In Love With Everyone You See ...
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    Now Playing Thread

    I disagree with FOABP being a "poor album" but thats totally your opinon... Opeth - By The Pain I See In Others
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    Now playing thread

    Opeth - By The Pain I See In Others
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    NOW PLAYING thread

    Porcupine Tree - Lazarus