Recent content by OpethForPresident

  1. OpethForPresident

    Music to be miserable to...

    R U still in to it another mogwai fan!!! Check out Red House Painters only if your not suicidal
  2. OpethForPresident

    The Grand Conuration

    It's a good song bt the drums sound too electronic, would be a great song for me if the drums sounded more acoustic
  3. OpethForPresident

    Film Soundtracks

    Fried Green Tomatos has an awesome soundtrack
  4. OpethForPresident

    Film Soundtracks

    check out "Reach the Rock" its a indy film but the soundtrack was done this dude john mccentire who was in the band tortoise. the movie blew big donkey balls, but the soundtrack kicks ass. oh and the music is pretty mellow.
  5. OpethForPresident

    Lopez's drumset

    thanks man gooooooo evans heads!
  6. OpethForPresident

    Lopez's drumset

    what kind of evans heads you have on it? im looking to rehead my kit.
  7. OpethForPresident

    Lopez's drumset

    ya after further study i noticed it wasnt his, good one anyway missing a bass drum
  8. OpethForPresident

    Lopez's drumset

    which one would you be more afraid of in a dark alley?
  9. OpethForPresident

    Lopez's drumset

    If lopez was here now he would say "beware my para-diddle-diddle biatch"
  10. OpethForPresident

    Lopez's drumset

    just for fun, a weird obsession of knowing everything my fav drummer uses
  11. OpethForPresident

    Lopez's drumset

    That fucking rocks thank you very much, im sorry this turned into a whos the better drummer thread. Thanks again for that sweet pic
  12. OpethForPresident

    Lopez's drumset

    carey used to be the man, thats until i heard Opeth. Now its the martin lopez show
  13. OpethForPresident

    Holy Blood

    Oh man "The Spring" is good song, I need to get this album
  14. OpethForPresident

    Lopez's drumset

    Ya ive looked at all of those and searched the forum. I was looking for a picture like this: curious to see his layout up close
  15. OpethForPresident

    Lopez's drumset

    LOL :rock: he uses double bass? I thought that was only one foot :tickled: