Recent content by Opus(sy)

  1. Opus(sy)


    My band were in with a chance of supporting them at their brighton gig, but we didnt get it, anyway i'm definitely seeing them. Great band!
  2. Opus(sy)

    the how tall are you thread.

    5ft9. ;)
  3. Opus(sy)

    What is the deal with EMG Pickups?!

    Haha i use an EMG 81 laiden RAN custom guitar, going into a line6 Flextone2 head...and the other guitarist in my band plays with an 'EMG laiden' ibanez also going through an HD147... :loco:
  4. Opus(sy)

    Good Grindcore Bands

    Grind bands i've been listening to a lot recently are Circle Of Dead Children and Negligent Collateral Collapse.
  5. Opus(sy)

    My artwork and such...

    Works for me!!! Its really cool. :Spin:
  6. Opus(sy)

    I just signed a new band

    I've seen Biomechanical play live here in Brighton, they played a great set, i also have a copy of their cd 'eight moons'.
  7. Opus(sy)

    Does anyone actually plan on buying Doom 3?

    I bought it, i always buy games...doesnt run on my current pc though :(
  8. Opus(sy)

    What is the deal with EMG Pickups?!

    No i'm not saying that the pick ups you use make you the guitarist you are, i'm saying the opposite, it doesnt matter what pick ups you use....Syxified posted 'EMG makes you sound better than you are'. Load of BS.
  9. Opus(sy)

    Sympathy to victims and famlies

    The last i heard was 302 people dead and 155 of them were children...i'm trying not to think about it.
  10. Opus(sy)

    What is the deal with EMG Pickups?!

    Christ i dont think i've read more bullshit in my entire life. Personally i use the dimarzios that Malmsteen uses because well, he's my god and i want to be him...but i also have an EMG81, and its a damn fine pick up for playing metal. Really good high gain, bloody nice clean sound....and its...
  11. Opus(sy)

    Downloading music

    Soulseek is probably your best bet, unfortunately it goes down quite often...i dont think i've used anything better though. Theres a huge amount of metal shared...even the most 'obscure metal releases' can be found.
  12. Opus(sy)

    THE BERZERKER ‘The Principles And Practices Of The Berzerker’ DVD

    I heard the DVD was quite poor...i went to see them on the tour that it was recorded, and they were really great. My friend told me that some of the songs were recorded by fans in the pit, and the quality was poor...bah i dunno, i'll probably buy it anyway.
  13. Opus(sy)

    Sympathy to victims and famlies

    I dont really want to think about it, we live in a very sick fucked up world. What happened in Russia really upset me, my heart also goes out to them.
  14. Opus(sy)

    Marijuana - Acceptable or Unacceptable?

    If people want to smoke weed, ciggarettes then let them...its their lives...i'd just really like it if people didnt smoke around me, now THAT pisses me off.
  15. Opus(sy)

    Marijuana - Acceptable or Unacceptable?

    agreed. :)