Recent content by OrionsOnFire

  1. OrionsOnFire

    The Systematic Mixing Guide: IT'S COMING.

    looks really promising Ermz. Well done for putting in all the hard yards for such a thing - Maybe we could all chip in a few extra bucks to make it all the more worth while for him. Id be more than happy to!
  2. OrionsOnFire

    Want to Share My Deep Purple's Child in Time Vocal Cover.

    sounds awesome dude... A bit of old DP never goes astray, especially the Gillan/Blackmore era. Keep up the good work!:rock:
  3. OrionsOnFire

    So Ive now taken on the role as a bass player... Gear advice required

    cheers for the tips dudes. currently looking around ebay now for some gear... found a few things.. as soon as I pick something up (hopefully as soon as this weekend) il let yas know. Cheers! :wave:
  4. OrionsOnFire

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Ermz - where on earth did you come across a Laboga in Oz? Or did you import one? the things looks absolutely wicked mate!! :flame:
  5. OrionsOnFire

    So Ive now taken on the role as a bass player... Gear advice required

    Cheers man, that helps a lot! Do you find you can dial in a fair bot of grit/overdirve via the preamps in the bass heads or do you need a pedal before the input to get it going? i.e. do they have a 'drive' channel like a guitar amp would? If I was running the GT6B, would it be best to plug...
  6. OrionsOnFire

    So Ive now taken on the role as a bass player... Gear advice required

    Hi there fellow Sneapsters! :muahaha: Been a member here for a while - do plenty of reading but not a lot of posting, now attempting to be a contributor! My band has recently lost its bass player which is a real pity, and as a trade-off to keep us operational and gigging I have put down the 6...
  7. OrionsOnFire

    G1 Superior Preset

    cheers G1, nice one - its always interesting to see how others tweak Superior
  8. OrionsOnFire

    I'm a passive pickup guy now!

    I went from an 81 in the bridge of my caparison to a bkp Warpig... its night and day difference. Not only does the pig have a beefier, clear defined low end - it just sounds so much better whether its plugged into a pod or valve head. best change i could've made pickup wise IMO
  9. OrionsOnFire

    Installing a Bias Pot in a Mesa Rectifier

    Cheers Lasse, interesting stuff. Id be way to nervous to stuff up my old 2ch recto - although you have made it look pretty damn easy there -
  10. OrionsOnFire

    New Metric halo ChannelStrip

    The fact that this plug-in sounds good is testament to the fact that ya just cant judge a book by its cover...
  11. OrionsOnFire

    Textures "Consonant Hemispheres" great TV show live performance

    really nice stuff by these guys. Looking forward to their next tour down under -
  12. OrionsOnFire

    Metal production WIKI

    cheers man, thanks for putting that up! great reading indeed...
  13. OrionsOnFire

    Nile -AOFTW.

    Hi Neil - just would like to say that I think your production on AoTW is totally sublime... fully transcendental death metal! It simply has to be the best sounding Nile record - arguably Nile are the kings of the genre, and you're work has gone and made them sound even better :heh:
  14. OrionsOnFire

    Nile -AOFTW.

    Hi Neil - just would like to say that I think your production on AoTW is totally sublime... fully transcendental death metal! It simply has to be the best sounding Nile record - arguably Nile are the kings of the genre, and you're work has gone and made them sound even better :heh:
  15. OrionsOnFire

    So, if anyone is interested in a 1176 clone

    looks very nice i reckn... if it comes in around 1000AU it looks like a damn good deal!