Recent content by Oskoreien

  1. O

    Oskoreien (atmospheric black metal / neofolk)

    Oskoreien is a one-man atmospheric black metal with neofolk influences - for fans of Agalloch, Fen, Altar of Plagues, Wolves in the Throne Room, Skagos, etc. Listen to samples of the debut full-length here: Purchase the album here:
  2. O

    Musicians of this forum

    Thanks, Elvina! I remember talking to you through comments before. Glad you liked Ode to Arinbjorn, it's finally getting released on a compilation with Agalloch and October Falls next month. Can't wait to have the finished product in my hands.
  3. O

    Musicians of this forum

    Great, thanks for reviewing it! You've got a pretty well-run site, I must say. I'm glad you feel my sound has matured, but those old tracks will always be a part of who I am - can't wait to go back and re-work them eventually (not in this style of course, but just to make them flow better as...
  4. O

    The Book Thread

    Currently reading Henry Miller - Tropic of Capricorn.
  5. O

    Musicians of this forum

    I recorded in Cakewalk's Sonar producer edition 7, it got the job done. And yeah, I'm going to get around to re-recording and adding vocals to those really old tracks someday, but I've just been really busy with school. These new songs sprouted from lyrics I wrote about a year back, I tried to...
  6. O

    Musicians of this forum

    I've never tried DFH but I've used its "sequel" software, Superior Drummer 2.0, extensively. It definitely has enough customization available to satisfy almost anyone's needs, I'd imagine. I used Superior Drummer 2.0 for all the drum parts of my demo EP, which can be listened to and...
  7. O


    Interesting, I'll certainly have to try and watch the film somehow. Lars von Trier certainly has an unusual style, as anyone who has seen his Dogme 95 films can attest. Does "Antichrist" follow in the vein of his Dogme projects, or is it something else altogether?
  8. O

    Metal Photography : Black, Death, Viking, etc

    Hi everyone, Started getting into photography recently. You can see a select few of my shots here: However, I don't update that often and more recent shots can be found here: take care! Jay