Recent content by Oso negro

  1. Oso negro

    Controversial opinions on metal

    I think Rush's catalog is better than Zeppelin's.
  2. Oso negro

    Controversial opinions on metal

    The new album I mean.
  3. Oso negro

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Everyone got a hard on for Carcass because, well, it's Carcass. Otherwise it's a bit overrated...
  4. Oso negro

    AOTY 2013?

    Cosmic Church-Ylistys Fyrnask- Eldir Nótt Gravecode Nebula-Sempiternal Void Windhand-Soma Lycus-Tempest Speaking of Altar of Plagues, the Malthusian demo was badass. I am easily amused though.
  5. Oso negro


    7.5/10 his older shit is better.
  6. Oso negro


    Forrest in fire and gold on repeat to piss off my coworkers.
  7. Oso negro


    Any band with some form of NY cred get nods of approval from hipster bloggers and writers. Lethargy and krallice are prime examples. I've heard this called "best album of the 90s" from some. It is a decent spin, Jeff Magnum's voice is annoying.
  8. Oso negro

    Metal 2013

    Can I wish for a new Shrinebuilder? Maybe some Yob??
  9. Oso negro

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    The Sequence of Prime - inter-
  10. Oso negro

    Black Metal.

    I'm a fan of WiTTR but they always bring out the troll in us all. Oregon should change their fight song to Vastness and Sorrow, and necro up puddles. In homage. I didn't know Mgla put out an actual LP this year. Groza was outstanding! Downloaded With hearts... this morning been blasting it...
  11. Oso negro


  12. Oso negro


    Sorry boss. If I was on I could have saved you the grief. And advised you its not worth the spin. The "indie" rock scene is more based on hype, reputation. Pitchfork told me Wold was a great listen but Nidingr's newest is an average spin. Stay away from animal collective and vampire weekend...
  13. Oso negro


    Completely agree. A band like Wiht comes to mind.
  14. Oso negro


    If we're generally speaking of traditional "post", Russian Circles is a killer band. The label tends to get slapped on bands that outgrow their respected genres. Which would be cause for a broader discussion.