Recent content by Our Fallen Lords

  1. Our Fallen Lords

    Britney Spears - Perfume Cover

  2. Our Fallen Lords

    Agile Septor 827/Revalver/Metal Machines - How'd i do?

    As kind ad the offer is bud, it's all a learning curve myself to learn this with just some help rather than uaing presets!
  3. Our Fallen Lords

    Britney Spears - Perfume Cover

    Okay so i did a new mix of it, Raised the drums and changed the EQ on the guitars, Added the TSE 808 and now it sounds a tad better (i think anyways) Not perfect but better! :)
  4. Our Fallen Lords

    Britney Spears - Perfume Cover

    Aye i'm using Peavey Revalver, with a 6505+ head and the michrich api57 cab impulse, some EQ and a small bit of compression. Should i add the tse 808 too? I'll see what i can come up with in the next cover i do :)
  5. Our Fallen Lords

    Britney Spears - Perfume Cover

    Thanks for the comments man! All helps me! :D You got any recommendations for the Guitar tone? I can't seem to get a decent one... and the bass tone isn't gunna be great, mostly because the strings are months old! But the guitar and strings are pretty new so those strings shouldn't be a...
  6. Our Fallen Lords

    Britney Spears - Perfume Cover

    SWEET! Hope you enjoy it bud, as suckish as it is! :muahaha::Shedevil::eek:
  7. Our Fallen Lords

    Britney Spears - Perfume Cover

    So i've been told ;) :grin: Just being honest :loco:
  8. Our Fallen Lords

    Poutine ?

    I'm in Ontario, it's been here for months haha! GOD DAMN BACON POUTINE IS AMAZING! Nobody does it like Swiss Chalet though... I'm originally British, and the First time i ever tried Poutine, it felt like Unicorns were shitting love, team spirit... and the willpower to be fat right onto my...
  9. Our Fallen Lords

    Britney Spears - Perfume Cover

    Hey Guys, So i got done doing something finally... i know the mix isn't great but i wanted to get something there and done, and the playing probably sucks i know... I'm no super guitarist or anything and it was way late... and computer problems and crashing and all sorts of crap happened...
  10. Our Fallen Lords

    Agile Septor 827/Revalver/Metal Machines - How'd i do?

    Alrighty... I've did a few changes this time. I changed the CAB to the 57api IR, and set it to some of the things recommended. Jiggled the EQ's a tad using the Systematic Mixing Guide (as a guide), and added the TSE808. Removed the Multiband and now i think it sounds better, but it's still...
  11. Our Fallen Lords

    Agile Septor 827/Revalver/Metal Machines - How'd i do?

    Alrighty i'm back! and i got a picture of the EQ, Preset and Comp. It's in the order: 1. Revalver 2. ReaXcomp 3. Waves REQ 6 Band And then heres a soundclip of just one of the guitars centered...
  12. Our Fallen Lords

    Agile Septor 827/Revalver/Metal Machines - How'd i do?

    I'm about to leave for the weekend but i can post some updates on monday? Im using the Catharsis High Pres IR, and the 6505+ Amp :)
  13. Our Fallen Lords

    Agile Septor 827/Revalver/Metal Machines - How'd i do?

    Yeah i thought the leads may have been a tad too loud... I got lazy with it though, finished doing it at about 1am and thought it'll do. :) I've got my drums with parallel compression and then i put the Waves V-Comp on the master bus, i'll try a compressor i have more control over. As for the...