Recent content by Ov Wulf

  1. O

    The pics thread

    Those pictures from Hamburg are awesome.
  2. O

    Wintersun - Time, UPDATE!

    They're the equivalent of candy metal. Dodens is dead on.
  3. O

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Can't get enough of this and it's been months now that I've had it. Also.
  4. O

    Wintersun - Time, UPDATE!

    I'm on a journey inside of a dream inside of an apparition inside of a thought inside of a nightmare inside an idea inside of brief moment in TIME.
  5. O

    Wintersun - Time, UPDATE!

    These are the track titles? More unimaginative, cliched dreck.
  6. O

    Males and Females

    Have fun being alone for the rest of your life then. I bet not feeling like a loser right now is going to be totally worth it.
  7. O

    Males and Females

    Krig, you need to try online dating. Like an actual legit site. I was in the same spot you were in mentally a few years ago and I met some pretty interesting and attractive women on OKC and a few other sites. I thought it was pretty pathetic at first, but it really worked well for me. Anyways...
  8. O

    The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

    Absolutely. Cult of Youth has really gotten me to explore other bands of the same vein in a big time. Love that album.
  9. O

    The pics thread

    So punchable.
  10. O

    The pics thread

    That has been one of the better memes in a long while. And, yes, she turned out to be hot as fuck.
  11. O

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Browsing the net, getting motivated for the gym and then spend the afternoon working at the tire shop. Also, I found this. Very neat.
  12. O


    Now playing.
  13. O

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Preparing for a midterm. Summer course blues.
  14. O
