Recent content by PaintItBlack

  1. PaintItBlack


    Megadeth is back and that is most important and happy news! Actually Megadeth is one of my three favorite band and I am delighted to hear this news. Thanx Tye!
  2. PaintItBlack

    A fine day to exit appreciation thread?

    AFDTE is my favorite album. (I know all of the albums).
  3. PaintItBlack

    bands you'd love to see

    I'd love to see Megadeth live - now this would be quite difficult. Beside it, hm... for example John Zorn. Of course many, many others. When Megadeth played in Poland I was out of many, this same with Zorn :(
  4. PaintItBlack

    About Your Life: Questions

    Very interestning thread theme trona! I was trying to reply, but finaly i deleted what i've wrote... sorry ;) Cheers!
  5. PaintItBlack

    Top 10 Black Metal BANDS

    It's a shame that you didn't mention about a lot of veeeryyyy important and good bands. Here's my sugestion of ten biggest: Mayhem Limbonic Art Immortal Venom Burzum Emperor Satyricon Behemoth Carpathian Forest Anorexia Nervosa :worship: ON YOUR KNEES !!! Cheers!
  6. PaintItBlack

    your favorite band?

    Anathema, Megadeth and old Metallica on 1st place and...: Acid Drinkers, Aion, Alec Empire, Alice Cooper, Amorphis, Annihilator, Anorexia Nervosa, Antimatter, Arcana, Armia, Artrosis, Asgaard, Ataraxia, Autumn Blaze, Autumn Tears, and many, many more...